Let Me Hit It (Cut Ver.)

Created by: svKona
Submitted: over 2 years ago
Ranked: over 2 years ago
Source: n/a
house drum and bass dnb sv drop it electronic english
BPM: 128
Length: 2:00
Passes/Fails: 1158 / 8413

blame 2nil for the furry bg (except don't they're cute and deserve all the love)

Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 S US SnowyDusky 25.16 99.00% 591x 1,101 194 15 0 0 3 1.1x 2y
2 A PE Zyrty 23.88 94.03% 659x 764 403 118 18 3 7 1.4x 2y
3 S US KGB Official 23.41 96.15% 416x 906 345 43 4 8 7 1.2x 2y
4 SS XX Fre3d 22.63 99.29% 1,265x 1,095 205 12 0 0 1 None 2y
5 S US ph03n1x 21.89 98.74% 1,226x 982 308 19 2 0 2 None 1y
6 S SE ParkerPyrope 21.85 98.71% 779x 1,078 215 12 4 0 4 None 2y
7 A US ESV Lunala 20.96 94.39% 847x 746 432 113 10 2 10 1.2x 2y
8 S DE ERA Punish 20.96 98.03% 854x 997 277 28 7 0 4 None 1y
9 S CL Koriii 20.92 96.00% 576x 919 317 57 8 6 6 1.1x 1y
10 S BR C3S4R780 20.91 97.99% 756x 1,060 221 18 7 1 6 None 2y
11 S US svKona 20.77 97.88% 532x 932 333 42 3 1 2 None 2y
12 A FI KonaFangirl 20.56 94.09% 424x 744 437 104 12 1 15 1.2x 2y
13 S US Swirrl 20.25 96.42% 618x 787 432 85 5 0 4 1.05x 2y
14 S KR TC I GANI 20.04 97.30% 1,313x 827 427 47 10 2 0 None 2y
15 S RO Qweet25 19.74 97.06% 847x 842 402 61 3 1 4 None 1y
16 A FR XDvalensDX 19.22 93.04% 432x 482 655 149 17 0 10 1.2x 2y
17 S US Twinn0 18.65 96.14% 610x 840 380 75 13 1 4 None 6mo
18 S UA Swich2332 18.63 96.12% 818x 832 386 77 13 0 5 None 3mo
19 S SA cuber the weeb 18.62 96.11% 714x 899 329 68 8 4 5 None 9mo
20 S PH ESV nodu 18.56 96.06% 606x 762 442 100 6 0 3 None 1y
21 S BR Technijk 18.39 95.92% 872x 831 387 76 13 3 3 None 2y
22 S DE MyAngelCrewK 18.26 95.80% 880x 865 344 84 15 2 3 None 1y
23 S TH LavaLambz 18.00 95.58% 939x 736 447 120 9 0 1 None 10mo
24 A US Smokydoh 16.96 92.70% 947x 660 486 128 26 7 6 1.1x 1y
25 A US Kappyyy 16.77 94.46% 855x 784 379 129 16 3 2 None 10mo
26 A CN WilliamQiufeng 16.71 94.40% 335x 950 258 63 24 4 14 None 3mo
27 A CN cccc 16.31 94.01% 751x 708 450 130 17 1 7 None 2y
28 A US thegoodShard 16.23 93.93% 755x 671 485 134 17 5 1 None 2y
29 A US Zim 15.87 93.59% 846x 772 400 104 23 5 9 None 8mo
30 A US M0on 15.85 91.66% 638x 693 438 133 29 7 13 1.1x 2y
31 A DO elsoyar 15.74 93.46% 428x 786 394 92 25 8 8 None 2y
32 A HK Puniru 15.66 93.38% 935x 771 385 124 21 6 6 None 6mo
33 A CO HowToBe2ky 15.54 93.26% 660x 698 459 124 18 5 9 None 1y
34 A US DeltaD03 15.53 93.25% 876x 784 389 106 17 13 4 None 2y
35 A US Galactic Fox 15.43 93.15% 584x 909 289 66 23 11 15 None 2y
36 A FR A6sT 15.30 93.02% 352x 771 394 108 20 4 16 None 9mo
37 A CA jake6542 15.15 92.87% 707x 718 440 114 24 5 12 None 11d
38 A US entauri 14.86 90.68% 251x 579 519 170 25 10 10 1.1x 2y
39 A SG Aqutan 14.60 91.29% 321x 606 526 126 32 5 18 1.05x 2y
40 A AU Aloe Vera 14.53 92.22% 424x 683 447 133 39 4 7 None 17h
41 A RU ZeronT 14.19 91.86% 421x 696 433 135 34 8 7 None 1y
42 A DK wigle worm 14.12 91.79% 662x 710 407 152 28 5 11 None 2y
43 A SG Rainbow Dash 14.06 91.72% 863x 669 457 142 28 9 8 None 2mo
44 A BR Karun 13.60 91.21% 402x 640 452 182 23 5 11 None 2y
45 A KR TC I Froze 13.55 91.15% 547x 742 382 130 38 8 13 None 8mo
46 A US S1r1 13.54 91.14% 423x 677 443 143 26 6 18 None 8mo
47 A FR Shuya Kano 13.32 90.89% 369x 621 491 155 21 7 18 None 14d
48 A DE Reagis 13.25 90.82% 624x 638 436 189 41 5 4 None 7mo
49 A GB ATP Drag0n 13.25 90.81% 387x 694 423 142 28 7 19 None 1y
50 A RO Agmon Blynkos 13.23 90.80% 446x 718 388 158 27 11 11 None 2y