
Created by: Reazy Fluff
Submitted: over 2 years ago
Ranked: over 2 years ago
Source: VOEZ
Dance & DJ, BMS, Cytus 2, Electronic, DraterTD, WolfNAV, Play qpvm, arabypac, Amogu, Ranking Queue, peppega clap, Reazy Fluff
BPM: 142
Length: 1:46
Passes/Fails: 431 / 134
Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 SS CN tyrcs 49.65 99.03% 1,805x 1,525 516 27 0 0 1 1.6x 5d
2 S JP butanic 47.69 98.37% 612x 1,598 441 17 2 4 7 1.6x 1y
3 S US 6y0VFH4I3hIHffX 47.37 98.51% 686x 1,633 398 28 2 1 7 1.55x 5mo
4 S JP Torayjin 45.24 97.76% 993x 1,513 494 44 7 1 10 1.55x 2y
5 S GB Zycrxd 44.33 98.39% 802x 1,586 435 38 4 1 5 1.4x 2y
6 S PL svhlb 43.08 98.40% 902x 1,511 517 33 0 1 7 Mirror, 1.35x 4mo
7 S AT Fabi03 42.89 98.22% 771x 1,464 551 44 5 1 4 1.35x 1y
8 S US TheMightySlayer 42.40 98.44% 1,232x 1,630 395 34 2 0 8 1.3x 2mo
9 S CA Albert 41.37 98.16% 1,626x 1,500 509 52 2 1 5 1.3x, Mirror 1y
10 S TH rx7 41.19 96.64% 998x 1,219 733 97 11 2 7 1.5x, Mirror 2y
11 S MY 2rrrr 40.77 97.80% 914x 1,461 543 51 5 2 7 1.3x 2y
12 S GB xyphla 40.54 97.70% 1,284x 1,346 664 44 4 2 9 1.3x 1y
13 SS KR TC I Rinomi 40.45 99.10% 1,003x 1,741 311 11 1 2 3 1.15x 2y
14 S DE ATP Apored 40.42 97.65% 710x 1,530 462 62 5 0 10 1.3x 4mo
15 S PL Tendency 39.25 98.10% 1,000x 1,464 547 47 5 1 5 1.2x 5mo
16 S BE Vayvess 38.96 97.98% 914x 1,403 600 58 2 1 5 1.2x 2y
17 S US BMS 38.65 97.85% 1,567x 1,497 517 37 8 3 7 1.2x 6mo
18 S KR HSH000 38.36 97.73% 705x 1,359 640 58 4 1 7 1.2x 2y
19 S DK Stoom 38.29 96.38% 915x 1,420 548 68 12 2 19 1.35x 2mo
20 S FR Mokett 38.22 98.82% 1,227x 1,591 444 29 2 1 2 1.1x 2y
21 S RU StepoS 37.45 98.49% 1,624x 1,583 443 33 6 3 1 1.1x 2y
22 S US cat 37.44 97.84% 1,082x 1,473 527 58 3 2 6 1.15x 2y
23 S KR HoneyGyu 37.21 97.23% 885x 1,327 654 71 8 3 6 1.2x 2y
24 S US wolfNAV 36.83 97.07% 1,490x 1,298 669 87 6 1 8 1.2x 7mo
25 S TW Huz0752 36.71 98.16% 1,624x 1,491 518 50 6 2 2 1.1x 2y
26 S MY Shah 36.66 96.08% 788x 1,363 585 89 13 3 16 1.3x 9mo
27 S BE shaafs 36.58 96.96% 1,490x 1,280 675 99 10 3 2 1.2x 1mo
28 S CA Mikoler 35.85 97.77% 686x 1,427 580 47 6 3 6 1.1x 2mo
29 S US bad at osumania 35.74 96.58% 1,108x 1,380 583 83 6 3 14 1.2x 2y
30 S IN InputBM 35.73 97.72% 1,634x 1,502 488 67 5 2 5 1.1x 4mo
31 S FR Jeremystherbe 35.45 97.59% 914x 1,358 642 54 7 5 3 1.1x 6mo
32 S HK Red Santa Hat 35.33 96.40% 1,157x 1,170 740 151 5 1 2 1.2x 2y
33 S US Reazy Fwoof 35.29 96.38% 1,235x 1,452 519 66 11 6 15 1.2x 10mo
34 S PT CrazyGamer0102 35.10 98.84% 1,484x 1,539 493 33 3 0 1 None 2y
35 S TH BossMadWolf 35.10 98.84% 1,484x 1,598 440 25 2 0 4 None 2y
36 S CN Yiiiii 34.95 98.77% 1,257x 1,498 534 33 2 0 2 None 2y
37 S US QC cake123 34.68 96.60% 793x 1,300 658 84 16 2 9 1.15x 2y
38 S KR Deepbluesky 34.67 98.64% 1,920x 1,462 559 46 1 0 1 None 1y
39 S US GOZ4 34.66 98.63% 849x 1,487 537 41 2 0 2 None 2y
40 S CL hhhhhhhhhhhhhh 34.58 97.19% 485x 1,213 781 55 7 1 12 1.1x 2y
41 S TH HowToDoFC 34.26 98.45% 1,716x 1,400 627 37 1 3 1 None 2y
42 S US bhyper573 34.24 98.44% 2,069x 1,284 734 50 0 1 0 None 1y
43 S MO CylamYeeting 34.02 96.92% 1,064x 1,278 677 98 10 2 4 1.1x 2y
44 S PH OyomePuncher 33.97 96.26% 913x 1,324 623 94 12 1 15 1.15x 2y
45 S DE Tiger 33.97 98.31% 535x 1,598 423 34 7 0 7 None 2y
46 S CL DukitanYT 33.93 98.29% 1,794x 1,421 596 43 6 2 1 None 2y
47 S IT Dr1scand 33.72 96.78% 510x 1,353 616 76 11 3 10 1.1x 7mo
48 S RU bombba 33.67 96.75% 932x 1,391 571 84 11 3 9 1.1x 2y
49 S IL soap 33.51 96.68% 609x 1,347 612 83 16 1 10 1.1x 1y
50 S FR avaah 33.28 96.57% 1,484x 1,231 707 116 8 3 4 1.1x 2y