This part is incredibly dense compared to the rest of the chart. There should be no quads, should just be hands, and a lot of the jumptrills can be nerfed.
Should not be quads. Sound isn't powerful enough to apply a quad here. Plus, by arranging the hands, you can add some sound repsentation with the piano chords.
Shouldn't be a jump, assuming this part is representing the vocals. Vocals aren't present during that jump, so make it a single note to represent the piano behind.
Same issue as 77970. Incredibly dense and can be nerfed
Incredibly long anchor. Arrange the patterns differently to avoid this.
This part is incredibly dense compared to the rest of the chart. There should be no quads, should just be hands, and a lot of the jumptrills can be nerfed.
Interesting idea, but it does not fit in this scenario whatsoever. All the notes are of the same intensity, and so should all be the same chord size.
Should not be a quad. Lots of the quads used in this map can be justified with a hand, not a quad.
Should not be quads. Sound isn't powerful enough to apply a quad here. Plus, by arranging the hands, you can add some sound repsentation with the piano chords.
Should be jumps rather than hands. The hands that weren't highlighted have more sound and power behind them.
Missing drums in this part. The 1/2 should also be mapped, rather than notes being on 1/1
Missing piano representation here. The quad after the timestamp should be reduced to hand so piano stream can connect into it comfortably.
Drum representation is missing from this section. Listen for kicks and make them jumps.
No reason for this to be a quad. Lower the density to a hand
Shouldn't be a jump, assuming this part is representing the vocals. Vocals aren't present during that jump, so make it a single note to represent the piano behind.