Loonboon (Underscore's "Spookycore" Remix)
Laura Shigihara

Created by: SpoopLNy
Submitted: almost 2 years ago
Ranked: over 1 year ago
Source: n/a
Electronic, Instrumental, Hardcore, Trap, 鴫原ローラ, シギハラ ローラ, Shigihara Rōra, Shigihara Rora, supershigi, True_Underscore, trueunderscore, Video game, Halloween, The Lick, PopCap Games, Electronic Arts, EA, LN, Long Note
BPM: 185
Length: 2:30
Passes/Fails: 5224 / 4399

<< #2 >>

Love me some pvz. A dose of nostalgia.
Decently underrated mapset. Funni difficulty range.
Thanks Lott for all the tags

Submitted for rank on June 19
Ranked on Sep 24

Change logs: Dead

Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 SS IT ThreeAccounts 34.09 99.31% 1,036x 1,384 170 8 2 1 1 1.5x 1y
2 S CL Kyouyama Kazusa 32.89 98.72% 768x 1,308 228 25 1 1 3 1.5x 2y
3 S RU NotSpiraling 32.68 98.97% 1,182x 1,331 207 23 4 0 1 1.45x 2y
4 S US Tempy 32.65 98.60% 1,448x 1,250 280 30 4 1 1 1.5x 2y
5 S CA Verdon 32.44 98.50% 696x 1,288 248 22 2 2 4 1.5x 1y
6 S US ERA Puzzle 32.38 97.59% 486x 1,224 292 34 5 1 10 1.6x 2y
7 S US HJPboss 32.31 98.43% 548x 1,280 256 19 4 0 7 1.5x 1y
8 S US DeadinSilence 32.22 97.51% 732x 1,248 257 40 16 2 3 1.6x 5mo
9 S VN christinglon991 31.95 98.25% 732x 1,107 425 25 3 0 6 1.5x 6mo
10 S XX gay boykisser 31.64 98.09% 1,041x 1,281 240 35 2 0 8 1.5x, Mirror 2y
11 S US Cuyzon 31.17 97.84% 747x 1,174 351 29 4 5 3 1.5x 10mo
12 S GB ATP Drag0n 31.10 97.80% 460x 1,243 271 39 6 2 5 1.5x, Mirror 1y
13 S MX sums 30.82 97.66% 838x 1,129 380 43 8 0 6 1.5x 2y
14 S PH kwplayz2 30.64 97.56% 695x 1,150 358 44 8 3 3 1.5x 1y
15 S RU Hisup 30.58 97.53% 659x 1,204 302 46 7 3 4 1.5x 1y
16 S US JSTXN 30.06 97.25% 869x 1,047 452 54 7 4 2 1.5x 1y
17 S US Zaphkiel Fallen 29.56 97.89% 562x 1,151 374 25 9 1 6 1.4x 3mo
18 S US Klonoa 28.78 96.90% 832x 1,039 444 66 11 1 5 1.45x 10mo
19 S IL ERA Pragoon 28.78 96.55% 300x 1,075 416 55 6 4 10 1.5x 2y
20 S AR laucha02 28.72 98.51% 845x 1,253 285 18 4 0 6 1.3x 2y
21 S CN 781564000 28.53 97.31% 357x 989 515 48 7 1 6 1.4x 5mo
22 S IN iac9 28.53 98.40% 708x 1,241 288 30 2 1 4 1.3x 1y
23 S RO ShawKhanDeezNut 28.50 98.38% 1,287x 1,211 313 36 3 1 2 1.3x 9mo
24 S ES Pedralex 28.38 98.32% 529x 1,048 491 20 1 2 4 1.3x 8mo
25 S RU ATP TweekFan 28.31 97.19% 529x 1,217 280 49 12 2 6 1.4x 3mo
26 S US jez 28.15 98.18% 1,248x 1,215 302 39 8 1 1 1.3x 1y
27 S DK SpamL 27.96 96.98% 1,440x 1,066 425 58 10 3 4 1.4x 2y
28 A US ginge 27.95 94.76% 457x 1,040 403 85 19 5 14 1.65x 1y
29 S CL Xxelectro196xX 27.81 95.14% 422x 842 589 115 8 3 9 1.6x 3mo
30 SS GB Hitori Gotou 27.60 99.37% 1,443x 1,313 245 3 4 0 1 1.2x 1y
31 S US soupster 27.45 97.77% 576x 1,201 310 42 7 1 5 1.3x 8mo
32 SS US keise 27.25 99.16% 929x 1,258 293 12 1 0 2 1.2x 1y
33 S CL casuelapollo 27.19 97.62% 529x 1,127 380 49 2 0 8 1.3x 2y
34 S BR Thetio 27.08 97.09% 373x 1,174 330 38 14 2 8 1.35x 6mo
35 S KR CenTiNal 27.07 96.46% 437x 1,113 368 62 11 2 10 1.4x 9mo
36 S ES type418 26.90 98.12% 787x 1,015 509 35 3 0 4 1.25x 1y
37 S AU assass1ngamerxx 26.89 95.47% 1,111x 982 478 74 19 6 7 1.5x 4mo
38 S AR josue1232 26.79 96.92% 450x 1,028 471 48 9 3 7 1.35x 1y
39 S BR Sy4n0 26.78 97.37% 1,090x 1,153 345 57 3 2 6 1.3x 1y
40 S BR Polur 26.77 97.37% 441x 1,034 457 65 6 0 4 1.3x 2y
41 S CR Snaulenn 26.70 98.83% 865x 1,254 279 30 2 0 1 1.2x 2y
42 S US RayCurse 26.70 96.24% 383x 1,044 440 54 15 3 10 1.4x 9mo
43 S GB ZeNyfh 26.62 97.95% 824x 1,064 456 36 6 2 2 1.25x 5mo
44 S UY zNacdiez 26.59 96.80% 504x 1,062 432 53 8 3 8 1.35x 2y
45 S FR DAFTERDA 26.42 95.52% 403x 1,142 334 53 17 6 14 1.45x 1mo
46 S CL Dav4d 26.41 95.52% 644x 1,007 450 76 21 4 8 1.45x 7mo
47 S CL vicho hate you 26.37 97.12% 658x 1,124 378 40 16 1 7 1.3x 4mo
48 S AR Zikario 25.98 95.80% 359x 1,058 423 53 13 3 16 1.4x 2y
49 A US ddarren46 25.95 94.90% 300x 1,023 426 84 10 2 21 1.5x 2y
50 S US Pythric 25.91 98.33% 1,252x 1,178 343 36 8 0 1 1.2x 2y