Something Good '08 (Radio Edit)
Utah Saints

Created by: Mattkk
Submitted: almost 3 years ago
Ranked: over 2 years ago
Source: n/a
Chordjack Electronic 2008 SvKona Tyrcs wolfNAV
BPM: 258
Length: 2:38
Passes/Fails: 1847 / 1926

Thanks to Kona, wolfNAV and Tyrcs for the GDs!

Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 S PE Zyrty 39.24 98.70% 1,334x 1,710 291 20 3 3 4 1.65x 1mo
2 SS GB Zoobin4 38.17 99.29% 1,369x 1,734 281 11 3 1 1 1.5x 8mo
3 S FI Lumikki 37.33 98.92% 704x 1,775 233 14 2 2 5 1.5x 8mo
4 S US nmms 36.42 98.13% 1,089x 1,354 618 50 5 0 4 1.55x 3y
5 SS US HJPboss 36.11 99.19% 1,472x 1,663 355 8 0 0 5 1.4x 2y
6 S US OwOMythical 35.93 98.29% 782x 1,350 637 36 2 1 5 1.5x 3y
7 S US Huntsman01 35.18 97.94% 785x 1,516 441 63 6 0 5 1.5x 8mo
8 S AE sudno 34.77 98.56% 608x 1,588 419 11 4 3 6 1.4x 1y
9 S TH Kaify 34.55 98.46% 1,282x 1,407 577 39 6 0 2 1.4x 2y
10 S QA djj 294 34.29 98.34% 1,088x 1,479 513 28 2 0 9 1.4x 2y
11 SS AR laucha02 34.00 99.25% 1,910x 1,660 353 15 1 0 2 1.3x 1y
12 S KR CenTiNal 33.55 98.46% 543x 1,631 357 33 2 0 8 1.35x 6mo
13 SS VN christinglon991 33.46 99.47% 1,175x 1,681 343 5 0 0 2 1.25x 2mo
14 S RU TweekFan 33.33 98.35% 2,026x 1,584 390 47 7 1 2 1.35x 19d
15 SS US entauri 32.98 99.23% 1,886x 1,729 283 14 3 1 1 1.25x 2y
16 S TH Palkzu 32.90 97.66% 1,103x 1,376 573 73 2 0 7 1.4x 2y
17 S US ERA Puzzle 32.83 97.62% 531x 1,601 362 47 10 3 8 1.4x 1y
18 S US Arsol 32.82 96.16% 548x 1,395 535 69 8 5 19 1.6x 2y
19 S US RayCurse 32.76 97.59% 862x 1,442 516 59 3 1 10 1.4x 1y
20 S US Angelbosquez072 32.68 98.60% 1,613x 1,511 489 24 0 2 5 1.3x 7mo
21 S PH w0t 32.67 97.17% 779x 1,461 493 57 4 4 12 1.45x 1y
22 S US 2nil 32.63 98.58% 1,669x 1,572 416 34 5 0 4 1.3x 3y
23 SS XX Fre3d 32.55 99.02% 1,488x 1,642 368 15 1 0 5 1.25x 3y
24 S DE Taptix 32.50 98.51% 1,492x 1,572 419 32 3 4 1 1.3x 1y
25 S US soapywater 32.39 98.45% 777x 1,667 319 31 8 0 6 1.3x 2y
26 S US Hamz 32.35 98.92% 1,237x 1,644 359 22 2 1 3 1.25x 2y
27 S CL el queseson 32.25 98.38% 1,166x 1,622 359 41 3 2 4 1.3x 7mo
28 S HN park3er 31.96 97.66% 770x 1,396 574 44 6 2 9 1.35x 2mo
29 S US Astrallizar 31.74 96.70% 1,081x 1,388 537 82 14 7 3 1.45x 3mo
30 SS US ARG Marsky 31.72 99.30% 1,466x 1,698 317 12 2 0 2 1.2x 2mo
31 S CA KoderDeJacking 31.72 98.11% 1,003x 1,433 542 47 2 1 6 1.3x 1y
32 S US CrubBoi 31.66 98.08% 866x 1,456 530 32 2 1 10 1.3x 2y
33 S US yuanzhng 31.24 98.34% 787x 1,646 350 21 3 3 8 1.25x 2y
34 S RU zDanex 31.23 98.34% 1,173x 1,526 460 35 2 0 8 1.25x 7mo
35 SS KR TC I GANI 31.22 99.04% 1,256x 1,644 363 17 5 1 1 1.2x 2y
36 S HK ATP Thesimp 31.14 97.25% 623x 1,524 442 42 4 4 15 1.35x 2y
37 S US muunii 31.05 98.24% 524x 1,569 427 20 3 2 10 1.25x 1y
38 S US Buddabear 30.91 98.87% 1,977x 1,491 504 34 1 0 1 1.2x 2y
39 S CN Shaller 30.90 98.87% 1,368x 1,559 437 29 5 0 1 1.2x 2y
40 S DE Hekireki 30.90 97.12% 703x 1,449 505 57 3 4 13 1.35x 2y
41 S NZ Ashuura 30.80 98.81% 1,953x 1,489 506 33 1 0 2 1.2x 2y
42 S FR chbab 30.66 96.52% 480x 1,452 492 54 11 4 18 1.4x 2y
43 S US Gibbons 30.62 98.72% 917x 1,536 460 30 0 0 5 1.2x 4mo
44 S US ARG Keise 30.52 98.66% 781x 1,670 334 16 1 0 10 1.2x 2y
45 S US maki maki 30.49 96.90% 740x 1,285 632 101 6 3 4 1.35x 2y
46 S GB Mooths 30.21 97.32% 885x 1,470 473 67 13 2 6 1.3x 2y
47 S CL teztigo 30.17 97.77% 1,045x 1,411 557 50 2 0 11 Mirror, 1.25x 2y
48 S FR Anx0 30.03 98.40% 571x 1,657 342 16 4 0 12 1.2x 8mo
49 S DE Acozi 30.01 96.65% 634x 1,435 496 74 10 4 12 1.35x 3mo
50 S US scoot 29.95 98.35% 1,669x 1,439 532 57 1 1 1 1.2x 7mo