Because of You (Sped Up Ver.)

Created by: SirWaffles456
Submitted: over 2 years ago
Ranked: about 2 years ago
Source: Super Eurobeat Vol. 216 - Non-Stop Mega Mix
eurobeat, dump, chordjack, handstream, jumpstream
BPM: 162.801
Length: 2:31
Passes/Fails: 165 / 252
Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 S JP butanic 45.07 98.11% 988x 2,361 518 64 14 4 4 Mirror, 1.45x 2y
2 S US yahweh 37.62 97.19% 1,248x 2,135 695 100 23 2 10 1.2x 1y
3 S US trentcard 36.20 97.67% 1,065x 2,221 657 62 7 7 11 1.1x 3mo
4 S US cat 35.86 97.52% 1,021x 2,168 704 55 24 6 8 1.1x 3mo
5 S PT CurlMike 35.50 96.84% 536x 2,063 764 99 21 6 12 1.15x 2y
6 S DK Hydrofurious 35.34 97.28% 853x 1,963 863 112 19 0 8 1.1x 2y
7 S GB QC WandrYondr 35.14 97.19% 859x 1,955 905 70 16 5 14 1.1x 3mo
8 S CA JSimon 34.94 98.44% 981x 2,353 550 40 15 2 5 Mirror 7mo
9 S GB xyphla 34.85 97.06% 738x 2,044 798 93 11 8 11 1.1x 2y
10 S US Zangoose 34.55 95.82% 500x 1,858 915 147 20 8 17 1.2x 1mo
11 S KR PinguS 34.09 98.02% 868x 2,279 601 61 13 1 10 None 2y
12 S US Yuckykaze 33.92 97.94% 693x 2,262 619 60 11 3 10 None 1y
13 S DE Frontyy 33.84 96.58% 485x 2,029 786 109 18 3 20 1.1x 1y
14 S PL Tendency 33.48 97.74% 1,265x 2,085 790 65 12 4 9 Mirror 1y
15 S ES Jositocrack11 33.46 95.89% 1,134x 1,817 935 170 28 5 10 1.15x 3mo
16 S CL Estepato2 32.55 97.27% 968x 1,961 879 98 15 4 8 None 2y
17 A US 6y0VFH4I3hIHffX 32.53 92.63% 445x 1,780 879 190 58 12 46 1.5x 2y
18 S PH OyomePuncher 31.95 96.97% 928x 1,996 843 88 19 3 16 None 2y
19 S BE shaafs 31.89 96.94% 1,259x 2,000 817 117 18 5 8 None 9mo
20 S GR Fevrius 31.76 96.87% 1,101x 2,035 782 115 17 4 12 None 2y
21 S FR Knabis 31.72 95.55% 483x 2,054 736 116 20 10 29 1.1x 1mo
22 S CR JVRed 31.57 96.78% 922x 1,906 914 111 17 5 12 None 2y
23 S KR SolgrynTheGamer 31.32 96.65% 926x 2,081 749 91 22 10 12 None 2mo
24 S US wolfnav 31.16 96.56% 889x 1,847 958 126 16 4 14 None 1y
25 S CL Adimoc 31.05 96.51% 719x 1,856 934 147 11 4 13 None 1y
26 S KR kjh 30.85 96.40% 738x 1,920 879 125 22 5 14 None 1y
27 S US Reazy Fwoof 30.69 96.32% 720x 2,022 792 104 19 5 23 None 9mo
28 A US BMS 29.94 94.13% 289x 1,585 1,135 172 28 11 34 1.15x 2y
29 S CN Litttle fish 29.77 95.83% 669x 1,713 1,054 159 16 6 17 None 1y
30 S KR HoneyGyu 29.38 95.62% 715x 2,056 732 115 25 5 32 None 3mo
31 S KR PmsGmd 29.12 95.48% 560x 1,907 868 138 18 12 22 None 7mo
32 S JP buttonmasherowo 29.10 95.47% 544x 2,066 710 133 21 14 21 None 1mo
33 S BO patito123 28.79 95.30% 500x 1,848 899 163 26 7 22 None 2y
34 S PH Autrioly 28.64 95.22% 887x 1,754 986 171 27 8 19 None 2y
35 S DE Duftea 28.34 95.05% 348x 1,801 947 162 18 9 28 None 2y
36 S TH inb4 28.27 95.01% 622x 1,601 1,133 174 29 7 21 None 2y
37 A CA CommandoBlack 27.97 94.84% 817x 1,631 1,095 178 32 8 21 None 5mo
38 A RU joune 27.47 94.56% 755x 1,936 787 169 34 9 30 None 2y
39 S US Spozof 27.26 95.32% 686x 1,879 865 164 33 11 13 0.95x 3mo
40 A US Inixia 27.05 94.31% 476x 1,814 898 181 32 11 29 None 2y
41 A LV LargeWillyMan 26.75 94.14% 375x 1,650 1,024 235 20 9 27 None 3mo
42 A KR BIRINNAE 26.34 93.90% 574x 1,541 1,094 270 37 10 13 None 1y
43 A CL Aaroi 25.86 93.61% 433x 1,622 1,036 233 35 10 29 None 2y
44 A KR Squeaky 25.83 93.59% 360x 1,709 966 206 38 7 39 None 2y
45 A PL Sayobatsu 25.40 93.33% 1,141x 1,540 1,087 264 39 9 26 None 1y
46 A US soapywater 24.99 93.08% 331x 1,783 895 191 35 10 51 None 3mo
47 A CN Shaller 24.18 92.57% 336x 1,908 766 182 39 18 52 None 2y
48 A GB WetSockSorcerer 23.93 92.41% 332x 1,615 1,012 246 29 10 53 None 5mo
49 A DE ATP Retina 23.72 92.27% 350x 1,811 809 237 50 15 43 None 3mo
50 A KR 9881 23.39 92.05% 515x 1,697 910 239 68 17 34 None 2y