Since this is a normal difficulty i find the usage of hands unfitting unless its really special. I'd nerf down this and following hands to split hand jumps
This jump doesn't have a sound effect to justify if being there. only a bass note plays but you ignore that throughout so it would be weird to map it now as a jump
Since this is a normal difficulty i find the usage of hands unfitting unless its really special. I'd nerf down this and following hands to split hand jumps
No kick to represent the jump, since music fades this would fit better as a single note and not a jump
This jump doesn't have a sound effect to justify if being there. only a bass note plays but you ignore that throughout so it would be weird to map it now as a jump
1/3rd snap would be a more accurate fit
I had to change this to a 1,2 jump because otherwise it turns into a red diff spike
Would re-arrange this into a [12][34] jump pattern to avoid the uncomfortable pattern that is now with the anchor on c2
1/3rd snap would be a better fit for this note