Created by: zyglrox
Submitted: over 2 years ago
Ranked: over 2 years ago
Source: LIVES ACROSS (2022)
kpop, dump, bursts, stream, tech, 클라씨
BPM: 121
Length: 2:45
Passes/Fails: 598 / 363

This map is a part of Hallyu Dump Pack:

Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 S US OwOMythical 41.66 98.84% 848x 2,133 633 23 1 1 7 1.4x 2y
2 S US meatloaf265 40.39 98.04% 728x 2,078 657 40 7 0 16 1.45x 10mo
3 S GB CoolDudeYes 39.57 98.72% 797x 2,123 638 26 2 1 8 1.3x 10mo
4 SS RU Hisup 39.28 99.40% 2,091x 2,383 403 7 1 1 3 1.2x 7mo
5 S DK zyglrox 39.23 98.95% 1,347x 2,106 648 41 1 0 2 1.25x 2y
6 SS KZ cfde 39.08 99.32% 1,501x 2,171 606 20 0 0 1 1.2x 3mo
7 S US HJPboss 38.72 98.37% 1,087x 2,149 610 18 5 2 14 1.3x 2y
8 SS XX mrblowit 38.71 99.60% 2,798x 2,463 324 10 0 1 0 1.15x 2mo
9 SS RU NotSpiraling 38.47 99.06% 1,087x 2,199 573 19 1 0 6 1.2x 2y
10 SS GB kinuh 38.24 99.40% 2,647x 2,205 577 15 0 0 1 1.15x 2y
11 SS GB mrelavatornoob 38.17 99.37% 2,745x 2,196 585 15 1 0 1 Mirror, 1.15x 2y
12 S CA KoolAids 37.86 98.79% 915x 2,020 736 36 1 0 5 1.2x 1y
13 SS US Zenith007 37.48 99.06% 1,049x 2,184 578 33 0 0 3 1.15x 2y
14 SS TH retsam 37.38 99.02% 1,250x 2,136 642 12 2 3 3 1.15x 2y
15 S IT ThreeAccounts 37.26 97.74% 704x 1,889 798 101 2 1 7 1.3x 2y
16 S BR Church 37.20 98.50% 2,016x 1,994 739 60 0 1 4 1.2x 5mo
17 S BR NickTheNoob 37.15 98.92% 853x 2,150 613 28 1 0 6 1.15x 2y
18 SS CL Cath Palug 37.08 99.52% 2,798x 2,299 485 14 0 0 0 1.1x 2y
19 S DE ATP Retina 37.02 97.63% 663x 1,889 809 81 7 1 11 1.3x 2y
20 SS US THE FNF GOD 666 37.01 99.49% 2,798x 2,247 537 14 0 0 0 1.1x 10mo
21 SS AR noseqponer15e8 36.71 99.35% 1,723x 2,170 610 17 0 0 1 1.1x 2y
22 SS GB Eria 36.67 99.34% 1,969x 2,209 571 16 0 0 2 1.1x 2y
23 SS FI PianoLuigi 36.62 99.31% 2,798x 2,178 601 17 1 1 0 1.1x 2y
24 SS US L inko 36.54 99.28% 1,429x 2,142 638 16 0 1 1 1.1x 1y
25 S US ERA Puzzle 36.45 97.38% 620x 2,084 633 45 12 3 21 1.3x 2y
26 S US chikenman 36.42 98.16% 696x 1,869 851 69 2 1 6 1.2x 2y
27 SS MX sums 36.28 99.16% 1,787x 2,221 556 15 2 2 2 1.1x 2y
28 SS CA KoderickSalamon 36.28 99.16% 1,952x 2,154 622 17 1 0 4 1.1x 8mo
29 SS DE Hekireki 36.18 99.12% 1,647x 2,265 511 13 3 0 6 1.1x 2y
30 SS TH ZCFirsTT 36.15 99.10% 1,414x 2,169 608 15 1 2 3 1.1x 2y
31 SS PE MoaiSupremacy 36.08 99.07% 744x 2,284 491 15 1 2 5 1.1x 2y
32 SS GB ExoIolite 36.06 99.06% 2,501x 2,153 609 32 2 0 2 1.1x 21d
33 S US Eternity308 36.06 97.99% 979x 1,813 905 71 0 4 5 1.2x 2y
34 SS LT Kovine 36.01 99.03% 993x 2,230 541 18 3 0 6 1.1x 11d
35 S US Exyen 35.94 97.94% 1,308x 2,043 672 64 10 5 4 1.2x 1y
36 S KR YuriBox 35.90 98.98% 2,091x 2,030 736 28 1 1 2 1.1x 5mo
37 S US soapywater 35.89 98.98% 1,269x 2,075 687 32 1 0 3 1.1x 2y
38 S HK ManiaCat 35.70 98.89% 847x 2,207 564 16 2 1 8 1.1x 1y
39 S US Blooper 35.55 98.83% 974x 2,131 623 37 2 0 5 1.1x 2y
40 S KR poiuqwer 35.42 98.77% 1,142x 2,064 685 43 2 0 4 1.1x 2y
41 S US Cuyzon 35.36 98.74% 1,768x 1,940 823 27 2 2 4 1.1x 2y
42 S PT rafel 35.28 98.70% 1,209x 2,025 719 49 1 0 4 1.1x 2y
43 SS HK Koshepen 35.08 99.96% 2,798x 2,727 71 0 0 0 0 None 1y
44 S RU walferi 34.99 97.50% 470x 2,003 718 46 9 3 19 1.2x 1y
45 SS LV acc main 34.93 99.88% 2,798x 2,649 147 2 0 0 0 None 2y
46 S RU wv is cool 34.81 98.48% 1,050x 1,965 781 44 0 3 5 1.1x 6mo
47 S GB QC WandrYondr 34.75 98.45% 1,278x 1,974 765 50 2 1 6 1.1x 2y
48 SS AR laucha02 34.66 99.75% 2,798x 2,444 352 2 0 0 0 None 2y
49 SS SG lunxilia 34.66 99.03% 2,159x 1,944 822 30 1 0 1 1.05x 2y
50 SS IT Bad 34.53 99.69% 2,798x 2,360 435 3 0 0 0 None 2y