Be Wild
Camellia feat. Yukacco

Created by: Lollipop
Submitted: over 4 years ago
Ranked: over 4 years ago
Source: n/a
hybrid trap MelonBooks ShopBGM Compilations 001 Nature
BPM: 160
Length: 4:48
Passes/Fails: 692 / 896


don't ask whats going on with the guitar solo at the end I really don't know

Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 S CL Skalim 34.03 98.71% 1,300x 2,211 609 34 1 3 5 1.4x 4y
2 S GB Melon 32.85 98.14% 1,340x 2,053 753 37 7 5 8 1.4x 5y
3 S TH Vud 31.98 97.70% 1,300x 2,031 735 77 8 4 8 1.4x 5y
4 S BE Kizuna 31.61 97.51% 622x 2,021 738 82 7 4 11 1.4x 4y
5 S KR TC I Kana 31.14 97.26% 531x 2,110 653 69 9 6 16 1.4x 4y
6 S RO robby250 30.84 97.11% 680x 1,989 760 84 10 5 15 1.4x 5y
7 S RU StepoS 29.82 95.79% 674x 1,805 863 151 22 6 16 1.5x 13d
8 S KR Load 29.55 96.42% 652x 1,814 939 66 12 12 20 1.4x 5y
9 S PT CurlMike 29.04 97.64% 735x 2,072 705 56 14 2 14 1.25x 3y
10 S US Atomic Ant 28.84 97.01% 467x 2,070 686 72 10 7 18 1.3x 1y
11 S CN Yukee 28.71 96.94% 721x 1,984 772 77 3 9 18 1.3x 5y
12 S KR firsw 28.47 97.33% 1,870x 1,897 836 112 7 2 9 1.25x 5y
13 S DE ElectroYan 28.44 97.96% 1,278x 1,977 807 60 7 0 12 1.2x 5y
14 S US yahweh 27.89 95.50% 472x 1,808 855 150 22 6 22 1.4x 4y
15 S AU WMountain 27.79 96.41% 645x 1,935 762 123 24 0 19 1.3x 3y
16 S FR Amyann 27.75 96.38% 627x 1,906 809 111 12 8 17 1.3x 4y
17 S US Reazy Fwoof 27.41 96.19% 556x 2,052 666 97 16 7 25 1.3x 1y
18 S SA HeSo 26.67 96.27% 1,001x 1,866 839 114 21 4 19 1.25x 4y
19 S US Skiyye 25.96 97.79% 836x 2,085 686 69 10 0 13 1.1x 5mo
20 S FR Bumpinho 25.79 95.22% 757x 1,750 919 138 20 7 29 1.3x 4y
21 S DE LordTimeWaste 25.76 96.36% 628x 1,853 845 127 18 3 17 1.2x 5y
22 S EE SunnyLii 25.48 97.49% 1,278x 1,655 1,102 90 6 3 7 1.1x 5y
23 S KR PmsGmd 25.40 96.13% 1,033x 1,786 923 111 15 5 23 1.2x 5mo
24 SS RU YaLTeR 25.26 99.11% 1,035x 2,375 455 27 2 1 3 None 3y
25 A DE sushi 24.92 94.67% 680x 1,564 1,064 174 28 5 28 1.3x 5y
26 S PH OyomePuncher 24.91 95.18% 728x 1,755 896 160 19 5 28 1.25x 4y
27 S CN Veckmars 24.84 98.83% 796x 2,058 757 45 0 0 3 None 4y
28 A RU joune 24.77 94.58% 625x 1,820 838 140 20 18 27 1.3x 1y
29 S CA Hellnote 24.56 96.90% 465x 2,036 717 72 10 3 25 1.1x 5y
30 A CN Xiuer 24.47 94.39% 646x 1,520 1,089 191 33 10 20 1.3x 5y
31 S KR Puglz 24.42 95.51% 1,004x 1,796 834 195 17 3 18 1.2x 1y
32 S VN Tree Palm 24.29 98.46% 1,278x 2,063 738 53 2 1 6 None 3y
33 S JP costle 24.10 98.34% 1,558x 1,889 895 70 8 0 1 None 4y
34 A RU OniChan 24.10 93.33% 594x 1,590 1,004 182 37 14 36 1.4x, Mirror 5y
35 A US wolfnav 24.01 94.09% 555x 1,711 909 169 31 13 30 1.3x 2y
36 S NO QQ7k 23.89 98.19% 606x 2,016 766 69 5 0 7 None 4mo
37 S BE shaafs 23.87 95.14% 598x 1,699 943 166 30 9 16 1.2x 5y
38 S AU DatN3rdyGuy 23.77 98.11% 652x 2,144 640 63 5 1 10 None 4y
39 S DE CrownedClown 23.77 96.37% 602x 1,847 848 129 20 1 18 1.1x 4y
40 S US itsmaple 23.60 97.99% 1,634x 2,052 733 56 12 2 8 None 3y
41 S ID Yura 23.53 95.06% 431x 1,659 985 167 21 7 24 1.2x, Mirror 5y
42 S FR Knabis 23.52 97.94% 1,334x 2,256 520 67 8 5 7 None 5y
43 S CA Niisound 23.49 97.92% 706x 2,086 688 70 8 1 10 None 5y
44 S RU x1mer 23.44 96.14% 472x 1,733 979 113 9 7 22 1.1x 3y
45 A RU Tokakitake 23.37 94.81% 476x 1,736 894 178 17 2 36 1.2x 5y
46 S MY Aphelion 23.33 96.07% 574x 1,423 1,272 133 15 5 15 1.1x 4y
47 S ES ReXxGReMoRY 23.28 97.77% 1,367x 1,817 954 77 5 3 7 None 4y
48 A US soapywater 23.24 93.58% 432x 1,773 854 144 38 18 36 1.3x 3mo
49 S US DecemberRain 23.00 97.58% 1,300x 2,030 736 70 14 4 9 None 4y
50 S US egginthecorner 23.00 97.57% 1,484x 1,825 924 99 7 3 5 None 3y