The Holy Grail
Blind Guardian

Created by: Storn
Submitted: over 4 years ago
Ranked: about 4 years ago
Source: Beyond the Red Mirror
The Disturbance of the Here and Now (Reprise), Symphonic, Power, Metal, Hansi Kürsch
BPM: 167
Length: 5:57
Passes/Fails: 251 / 606

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Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 S GB ATP Drag0n 35.89 98.79% 1,687x 4,242 879 62 14 1 9 1.5x 1y
2 S US OwOMythical 35.01 98.38% 2,983x 4,267 836 73 7 6 18 1.5x 3y
3 S IT Laba 33.88 97.84% 817x 3,779 1,263 124 21 2 18 1.5x 3mo
4 SS US Disce 33.25 99.20% 2,374x 4,117 1,055 25 3 3 4 1.3x 3y
5 S NO fent lover 32.25 98.70% 997x 4,043 1,091 53 2 3 15 1.3x, Mirror 3y
6 S US ERA Puzzle 31.82 97.86% 1,692x 3,882 1,188 93 14 5 25 Mirror, 1.35x 4y
7 S US kusa 31.79 98.47% 1,476x 3,613 1,497 79 2 1 15 1.3x 4y
8 S DE GERMarvin 30.91 98.71% 1,708x 3,750 1,370 73 6 2 6 1.25x 2y
9 S US A1ch3mist 30.54 97.81% 1,454x 3,585 1,463 124 12 3 20 1.3x 2y
10 S BR Church 29.73 97.37% 1,568x 3,315 1,650 217 10 4 11 1.3x 3y
11 S DE Duftea 29.20 98.40% 1,080x 3,731 1,354 104 6 1 11 1.2x 4y
12 S TH LavaLambz 28.84 98.20% 3,631x 3,456 1,574 168 8 0 1 1.2x 2y
13 S US 2nil 28.69 98.66% 1,815x 4,052 1,043 99 5 2 6 1.15x 4y
14 SS US UlricVikary 28.41 99.32% 1,674x 4,165 1,008 29 0 0 5 1.1x 8mo
15 S US OfficialZoid 28.20 98.38% 1,949x 4,087 1,006 85 12 5 12 1.15x 3y
16 S NL boredzoomer 28.12 97.79% 1,401x 3,809 1,252 99 21 8 18 1.2x 3mo
17 SS US BbountyTW 28.04 99.11% 3,493x 4,071 1,070 58 6 0 2 1.1x 3y
18 S RO AlexGG 27.51 97.97% 1,890x 3,451 1,590 142 12 2 10 1.15x 4y
19 S US lork 27.50 98.79% 1,893x 3,727 1,397 70 7 0 6 1.1x 4y
20 S SE Al3x23 27.15 98.58% 2,044x 3,764 1,322 108 9 1 3 1.1x 2y
21 S SK Redasuio 26.67 98.28% 2,360x 3,689 1,390 100 17 2 9 1.1x 2mo
22 SS DE Hekireki 25.88 99.83% 5,207x 4,815 386 6 0 0 0 None 1y
23 S TR alvord 25.73 96.89% 1,061x 3,387 1,572 194 25 9 20 1.15x 6mo
24 SS PH Oreos 25.57 99.63% 5,207x 4,479 710 17 1 0 0 None 4y
25 S PT Vschur 25.56 97.59% 1,552x 3,593 1,435 135 21 6 17 1.1x 3y
26 SS NL Linlime 24.97 99.24% 5,207x 4,210 931 65 1 0 0 None 1y
27 SS GB Lepus4 24.92 99.20% 3,143x 4,181 966 56 2 1 1 None 3y
28 SS US Dehznik 24.73 99.08% 3,166x 4,292 853 49 6 2 5 None 4y
29 SS PT Zeshin 24.71 99.06% 5,205x 3,857 1,279 69 1 0 1 None 4y
30 A RO myja 24.54 94.31% 646x 3,054 1,687 344 62 20 40 1.3x 4y
31 S CA Lexqie 24.53 98.95% 3,137x 4,181 955 57 5 2 7 None 2y
32 S SG limhyi 24.45 98.89% 3,181x 3,933 1,174 96 3 0 1 None 3mo
33 S RU zCoconut 24.34 96.80% 1,123x 3,459 1,506 179 27 7 29 1.1x 1y
34 S GB Telpo 24.34 98.82% 3,185x 3,974 1,139 84 5 2 3 None 4y
35 S CL voideci 24.29 98.78% 2,127x 3,951 1,150 98 4 0 4 None 3y
36 S LT hydroJ 24.26 98.76% 3,295x 4,099 1,003 92 7 1 5 None 4y
37 S AT Not Tidduss 24.24 98.75% 2,266x 3,945 1,168 80 7 2 5 None 2y
38 S CL FixaMaxima 24.02 98.60% 1,711x 3,775 1,320 100 4 0 8 None 2y
39 S ID nizwar 23.88 98.50% 2,545x 3,921 1,152 118 11 2 3 None 4y
40 S ES Asesingta 23.86 98.49% 5,207x 3,549 1,513 141 4 0 0 None 3y
41 S US HeathGeath 23.77 98.43% 2,823x 3,878 1,216 88 13 4 8 None 3y
42 S CL Elliotzito 23.61 98.32% 1,018x 3,722 1,377 83 8 6 11 None 4y
43 S US squeeb 23.54 98.26% 5,207x 3,521 1,521 150 15 0 0 None 4y
44 S BR DeadExecutor 23.50 98.24% 1,738x 3,939 1,127 114 15 6 6 None 3y
45 S US Jacobfov 23.45 98.21% 1,747x 3,838 1,240 102 10 6 11 None 4y
46 S AU NotDeadYet 23.40 98.17% 3,222x 3,642 1,383 169 10 0 3 None 4y
47 S US Storn 23.29 96.08% 1,067x 3,143 1,741 252 35 10 26 1.1x 4y
48 S NO FluffySakora 23.26 98.07% 2,290x 3,490 1,549 146 15 1 6 None 4y
49 S BR GUILHERME019DE0 23.26 98.07% 942x 3,649 1,428 100 10 6 14 None 4y
50 S ZA Dwahfum 22.98 97.88% 1,254x 3,354 1,652 187 7 1 6 None 4y