
Created by: O2Jam
Submitted: almost 2 years ago
Ranked: 8 months ago
Source: BMS
rice, instrumental, punk, pop
BPM: 222
Length: 1:04
Passes/Fails: 266 / 107
Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 S US Legendary Ace 40.20 98.94% 426x 1,063 246 13 1 0 3 1.2x, Mirror 5mo
2 S US 6y0VFH4I3hIHffX 38.58 96.17% 230x 835 424 49 1 0 17 1.5x 8mo
3 S BR Inky Head 38.55 98.24% 766x 928 370 21 2 1 4 1.2x 15d
4 S CN tyrcs 37.54 95.73% 810x 856 371 79 12 3 5 1.5x 7mo
5 S GB QC WandrYondr 37.45 98.72% 788x 1,020 285 15 3 0 3 1.1x 4mo
6 S KR sero5sin 37.15 98.58% 910x 1,072 224 26 1 1 2 1.1x 25d
7 S ES Jositocrack11 36.15 98.14% 897x 1,012 278 28 4 2 2 1.1x 4mo
8 SS KR hgamea 36.07 99.26% 1,326x 1,172 135 17 2 0 0 None 3mo
9 S US Notfromddr 35.92 97.09% 541x 930 341 39 8 2 6 1.2x 1mo
10 S US pheeIsh 35.41 98.95% 764x 1,068 238 17 1 0 2 None 3mo
11 S CL Manco12345 35.01 98.77% 752x 1,049 257 16 1 2 1 None 1mo
12 S RU PexZe 34.95 98.78% 1,007x 1,006 300 17 0 1 2 Mirror 3mo
13 S CA Mahiru Shiina 34.81 98.67% 686x 1,054 245 23 1 0 3 None 12d
14 S US trentcard 34.21 97.71% 517x 1,032 258 23 5 4 4 1.05x 8mo
15 S SG yesdaddy 34.14 97.21% 406x 800 485 28 3 3 7 1.1x 3mo
16 S BE theangeloflie 34.06 97.17% 548x 985 299 23 9 5 5 1.1x 7mo
17 S US Reazy Fwoof 34.02 98.30% 468x 1,080 218 20 1 1 6 None 7mo
18 S US Skiyye 34.01 98.29% 815x 1,085 208 25 3 1 4 None 2mo
19 S US uhm 33.80 98.19% 624x 1,067 229 22 1 2 5 None 4mo
20 S US NERD 33.50 96.90% 468x 945 335 27 5 2 12 1.1x 5h
21 S DE Frontyy 33.31 97.95% 831x 1,009 271 39 3 1 3 None 8mo
22 S TW 0AO 32.90 97.75% 312x 943 344 28 4 1 6 None 7mo
23 S RU joune 32.80 97.70% 468x 1,043 237 36 3 2 5 None 7mo
24 S BN WindowOperating 32.68 97.64% 323x 984 304 27 2 3 6 None 4mo
25 S KR mionugood 32.36 97.48% 677x 1,077 206 28 6 4 5 None 2mo
26 S AR BenjaminReb 32.30 97.45% 518x 979 301 35 1 1 9 None 2mo
27 S CA Man Is Dead 32.01 97.31% 454x 889 381 48 1 2 5 None 10d
28 S BR Mordest68 31.97 97.28% 519x 1,039 238 31 10 3 5 None 7mo
29 S GR AlexMTM 31.89 98.09% 676x 1,100 193 24 2 3 4 0.95x 5mo
30 S CA Arnauudddd 31.82 97.21% 540x 939 334 39 6 2 6 None 9d
31 S CO billabong89 31.55 95.94% 426x 856 397 54 4 5 10 1.1x 3mo
32 S KR zeropowo 31.35 96.97% 281x 944 332 34 4 3 9 None 7mo
33 S GB WetSockSorcerer 31.18 96.21% 297x 844 432 29 2 5 14 1.05x 1mo
34 S AU IntryEg 30.59 96.61% 702x 927 331 52 6 3 7 Mirror 7mo
35 S CL DukitanYT 30.40 95.35% 424x 762 473 69 7 3 12 1.1x 5mo
36 S US wolfnav 30.35 95.78% 312x 849 393 63 8 3 10 1.05x 7mo
37 S ID claidheamh 30.34 96.44% 624x 954 312 40 5 3 12 None 2mo
38 S BE shaafs 29.81 96.15% 624x 864 391 54 5 7 5 None 6mo
39 S KR PmsGmd 29.77 96.14% 307x 964 289 54 3 2 14 None 7mo
40 S NO QQ7k 29.64 96.07% 426x 974 274 56 9 3 10 None 5mo
41 S CN cccc 29.61 96.05% 516x 913 337 50 16 4 6 None 8mo
42 S JP mohu 29.39 95.93% 399x 865 374 69 7 3 8 None 7mo
43 S HK Amzal 28.75 95.58% 376x 770 457 81 9 4 5 None 1mo
44 S FI Huukkeli 28.59 95.49% 227x 988 268 41 7 5 17 None 2mo
45 S KR MEMario 28.51 95.44% 386x 940 283 82 9 4 8 None 8mo
46 S US itsmaple 28.39 95.38% 322x 955 284 63 7 7 10 None 7d
47 S GB ElliottOSu 27.91 95.94% 257x 916 344 41 8 4 13 0.95x 1mo
48 S FI RexTEEF 27.81 95.05% 318x 1,006 253 37 3 11 16 None 4mo
49 S US soapywater 27.75 95.02% 277x 954 296 39 13 3 21 None 2mo
50 A KR QtePote 27.60 94.93% 206x 883 371 42 2 5 23 None 2mo