
Created by: MapleSyrup-
Submitted: almost 5 years ago
Ranked: almost 5 years ago
Source: Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon
miss kobayashi's dragon maid aozora no rhapsody jztcallmeron opening op japanese jpop
BPM: 135
Length: 1:29
Passes/Fails: 1637 / 3487
Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 S KR chickenpizza 40.14 98.48% 437x 871 201 19 0 1 3 2.0x 5y
2 S JP Usain Bolt 39.73 98.31% 780x 757 306 29 2 0 1 2.0x 4y
3 S CN VanWilder 38.53 97.81% 795x 675 377 39 3 0 1 2.0x 5y
4 S ID Arasy 37.82 98.02% 1,095x 713 338 43 1 0 0 1.9x 5y
5 S ES aitor98 37.62 97.42% 459x 733 317 37 3 0 5 2.0x 5y
6 S SE Sadcat 37.20 97.24% 660x 746 301 40 2 1 5 2.0x 5y
7 S AR lxLucasxl 37.12 98.49% 1,095x 745 325 23 1 1 0 1.8x 5y
8 S TH rx7 36.94 97.12% 1,095x 568 465 61 0 1 0 2.0x 2y
9 S RO robby250 36.34 97.37% 423x 713 337 37 4 2 2 1.9x 5y
10 S KR CHAEWON 35.74 96.59% 518x 749 291 40 7 2 6 2.0x 5y
11 S KR RexFanboy 35.23 96.86% 798x 691 336 62 3 0 3 1.9x 5y
12 S US yahweh 34.88 97.48% 659x 734 317 38 1 1 4 1.8x 5y
13 S KR PinguS 33.76 97.68% 401x 761 296 30 3 0 5 1.7x 3y
14 S US qqp 33.68 97.64% 314x 737 321 30 1 0 6 1.7x 4y
15 S KR firsw 33.10 96.90% 772x 672 360 54 7 1 1 1.75x 5y
16 S PH yukina meng 33.02 95.32% 663x 623 389 69 3 3 8 2.0x 4y
17 SS PE ninki617 32.80 99.19% 1,095x 893 186 16 0 0 0 1.5x 4y
18 S US Zangoose 32.79 97.21% 454x 748 304 32 4 1 6 1.7x, Mirror 1y
19 S NL Tyronix 32.72 97.17% 310x 769 279 36 4 0 7 1.7x 5y
20 S FR Ariabl eyeS 32.69 95.66% 434x 650 376 49 9 1 10 1.9x 5y
21 S CN ExNeko 32.61 97.11% 421x 650 392 45 4 0 4 1.7x 4y
22 S US wolfNAV 31.89 97.55% 463x 723 333 30 4 0 5 1.6x 1y
23 S CN Yukee 31.86 98.71% 448x 830 247 15 0 0 3 1.5x 5y
24 S SE Stug 31.77 97.49% 672x 746 306 34 5 1 3 1.6x 5y
25 S IL Zeevee 31.25 96.43% 475x 686 340 59 4 1 5 1.7x 5y
26 S CN Sweetsoul 31.08 97.13% 778x 696 340 52 5 1 1 1.6x 5y
27 S US uhm 30.68 96.13% 285x 748 286 41 10 1 9 1.7x 6mo
28 S US Vala 30.33 96.74% 335x 672 361 54 2 0 6 1.6x 4y
29 A KR Mikimari 30.26 93.95% 277x 622 371 75 12 4 11 2.0x 5y
30 S NO Bizarrely 30.25 95.91% 279x 697 325 56 8 0 9 1.7x 2y
31 S US LOVE 29.74 97.58% 901x 647 409 33 3 2 1 1.5x 3y
32 S UZ Ruby 29.65 95.59% 486x 638 384 56 6 2 9 1.7x 5y
33 S VN Tree Palm 29.29 97.88% 697x 773 287 29 2 1 3 1.45x 4y
34 S FI Mazzuli 29.12 97.24% 1,095x 611 426 55 2 1 0 1.5x 5y
35 S BE Vayvess 28.84 95.15% 340x 678 349 43 8 1 16 1.7x 3y
36 S RU YaLTeR 28.79 97.06% 319x 762 284 37 5 0 7 1.5x 2y
37 S CL Asagaki 28.77 95.11% 227x 655 368 46 12 2 12 1.7x 4y
38 S BE shaafs 28.63 98.15% 1,095x 767 288 37 3 0 0 1.4x 4y
39 S TW Huz0752 27.43 97.45% 747x 755 288 46 3 0 3 1.4x 4y
40 S PH Captain cusheen 27.37 98.04% 1,095x 687 366 41 1 0 0 1.35x 5y
41 S FR Amyann 27.30 95.06% 583x 716 306 45 14 3 11 1.6x 4y
42 S HK jhlee0133 27.29 96.20% 677x 692 325 62 13 0 3 1.5x 5y
43 S FR VLucas2 27.25 97.35% 773x 658 387 45 2 1 2 1.4x 5y
44 S RU joune 27.19 96.14% 573x 694 323 66 6 0 6 1.5x 3y
45 A PT Euh 27.16 92.27% 243x 643 332 81 14 5 20 2.0x 3y
46 S FR MarsJackson 26.88 95.96% 381x 728 312 38 2 3 12 1.5x 4y
47 S DE Frontyy 26.85 97.11% 424x 745 297 42 7 1 3 1.4x 2y
48 S IE Barra 26.64 95.81% 378x 665 346 73 3 0 8 1.5x 5y
49 S CA Hellnote 26.59 98.29% 476x 837 228 25 2 0 3 1.3x 5y
50 A VN Pastel 26.07 94.93% 201x 662 350 59 11 2 11 1.55x 5y