Created by: roxieeee
Submitted: over 1 year ago
Ranked: 11 months ago
Source: beatmania IIDX 26 Rootage
electronic, instrumental, video game, hard techno, iidx 27 heroic verse original soundtrack, amamya, antipole
BPM: 155
Length: 2:04
Passes/Fails: 5485 / 2932

<<#29🟢ROXIE 30TH RANKED MAP!🟣>>#31


  • Drater
  • Linlime


  • Simi
  • Revv
  • Drater
  • Linlime

12/12/23 - chart uploaded! fixed a lot of errors upon converting. will make more diffs soon!
12/14/23 - Insane diff finished!
12/21/23 - Hard diff finished!
12/28/23 - Fixed HARD and CEREBRUM diff! Added NORMAL diff!
1/1/24 - SIMI'S EASY is up and running!
3/16/24 - fixed revv's mods!
3/30/24 - fixed drater's mods!
4/11/24 - fixed linlime's mods, each diff now moved up 1 higher
4/18/24 - fixed issues again :D
4/18/24 - map ranked! thanks drater and linlime!

Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 SS US meatloaf265 38.63 99.48% 1,144x 1,124 237 4 0 0 1 2.0x 10mo
2 SS CN XSUB 33.79 99.18% 1,130x 1,115 241 5 3 0 2 1.7x 8mo
3 S US soapywater 33.22 98.90% 1,138x 1,063 289 10 0 1 3 1.7x 8mo
4 S KR Kirisame Marisa 33.20 98.45% 1,059x 991 352 17 0 0 6 1.75x 1y
5 S US muunii 33.20 98.89% 1,061x 1,087 262 11 3 0 3 1.7x 1y
6 SS CN wsly 33.05 99.08% 1,366x 1,054 292 19 1 0 0 1.65x 9mo
7 S CA Verdon 33.01 98.00% 1,288x 948 367 47 2 0 2 1.8x 1y
8 S GB Marksie 32.46 98.52% 750x 985 354 23 0 0 4 1.7x 1y
9 S RU zDanex 31.71 98.14% 956x 905 418 39 2 0 2 1.7x 9mo
10 S SV SirBeatsALot 31.54 97.26% 600x 1,050 271 25 8 0 12 1.8x 9mo
11 S ES Pedralex 31.21 98.81% 1,067x 1,099 246 17 0 0 4 1.6x 1y
12 S BE theangeloflie 31.20 98.14% 1,366x 1,079 255 20 8 4 0 1.65x 1y
13 S DE Taptix 31.11 97.82% 489x 1,061 256 38 6 0 5 1.7x 3mo
14 S NO Groza 30.90 98.64% 700x 1,000 341 21 1 0 3 1.6x 9mo
15 S TH LavaLambz 30.57 98.47% 1,052x 1,034 303 24 1 1 3 1.6x 1y
16 SS US ARG Firby28 30.41 99.25% 765x 1,196 162 4 0 0 4 1.5x 1y
17 S KR ayan 30.30 98.32% 908x 1,021 315 22 3 0 5 1.6x 1y
18 SS DE weesxy 30.28 99.18% 1,331x 1,158 197 8 0 1 2 1.5x 9mo
19 S IT tipicalWASDPlay 30.17 98.25% 769x 948 390 21 1 0 6 1.6x 8mo
20 S CL CHORDJACK MAIN 29.79 97.12% 406x 986 329 36 4 3 8 1.7x 1y
21 S PL Hasaj 29.57 97.92% 629x 1,000 327 29 4 1 5 1.6x, Mirror 1y
22 S RU Kweerit 29.15 98.55% 1,058x 1,067 274 17 4 0 4 1.5x 1y
23 S US damianluck925 28.93 96.22% 976x 876 400 71 13 2 4 1.75x 3mo
24 S US chikenman 28.78 96.56% 695x 846 431 79 5 1 4 1.7x 8mo
25 SS GB Lepus4 28.78 99.60% 1,366x 1,113 250 3 0 0 0 1.4x 8mo
26 S US itsjusttime 28.45 98.16% 1,067x 947 383 30 2 1 3 1.5x 5mo
27 SS FR Juicstiq 28.15 99.24% 865x 1,083 275 6 0 1 1 1.4x 10mo
28 SS BR AnzuDreamz 27.90 99.74% 1,366x 1,200 164 2 0 0 0 1.35x 10mo
29 S GB uwuowourmumahoe 27.84 97.80% 670x 948 371 38 5 1 3 1.5x, Mirror 9mo
30 S VN Techie Folf 27.35 97.02% 766x 842 456 55 8 0 5 1.55x 1y
31 S US Cycreo 27.32 96.64% 465x 791 505 53 10 1 6 1.6x 1y
32 S SA WKMA 27.30 98.15% 1,126x 919 404 37 5 0 1 1.45x 3mo
33 S PE TheGoonzGD 27.19 97.42% 669x 914 409 29 6 3 5 1.5x 8mo
34 S AR i Max 26.98 96.79% 488x 887 417 45 7 1 9 Mirror, 1.55x 10mo
35 S CA Veeyu 26.94 95.76% 467x 795 480 70 10 2 9 1.65x 9mo
36 S IT JustASadDude 26.88 96.38% 671x 884 397 73 4 4 4 1.6x 5mo
37 S US Kingattmos 26.58 97.72% 349x 976 349 31 1 0 9 1.45x 4mo
38 SS FI ssolle 26.39 99.61% 1,366x 1,121 242 3 0 0 0 1.3x, Mirror 8mo
39 SS BE rearranged 26.12 99.44% 1,248x 1,092 269 4 0 0 1 1.3x 1y
40 A US Klonoa 26.12 93.64% 668x 915 342 57 26 5 21 1.9x 1y
41 S RO catabru 26.10 95.91% 1,362x 900 367 75 19 3 2 1.6x 4mo
42 S US sapz 26.01 97.36% 1,253x 936 379 39 5 3 4 1.45x 6mo
43 SS BR IamFlameRed 25.85 99.27% 1,366x 1,026 328 12 0 0 0 1.3x, Mirror 2mo
44 SS US AstralFennex 25.74 99.20% 1,100x 1,103 252 8 1 0 2 1.3x 1y
45 SS US soy247 25.54 99.77% 1,366x 1,209 156 1 0 0 0 1.25x 2mo
46 S US kag1 25.45 96.35% 432x 969 325 47 13 0 12 1.5x 5d
47 S US heppybutnot 25.27 96.23% 417x 898 384 65 10 2 7 1.5x 3mo
48 S FR Akihiro2dx 25.19 96.18% 290x 917 372 54 11 1 11 1.5x 4mo
49 S ID SyncdeathWyvern 25.01 98.72% 712x 1,026 317 19 1 0 3 1.3x 4mo
50 S PL eeNaura 24.92 97.88% 835x 876 438 48 2 0 2 1.35x 7mo