Yak Won

Created by: SyncdeathWyvern
Submitted: 9 months ago
Ranked: 7 months ago
Source: PUMP IT UP - 2013 FIESTA 2 -
waltz, electronic, piu, piuf2, yak_won, yakwon, RaspyRaspberry
BPM: 246
Length: 1:35
Passes/Fails: 2708 / 2289

Mapset #21

« Ranked #7 »

Ranked by Ainer and Revv!

Last spread of the semester, and last June upload!

Mapset ID 34007 😭 (missed 34000 rip)

Started last year and decided to finish the set this year lol

Song goes hard too so that's a plus

Holland Vibes is basically jumptrill/splittrill, chordjack, and jumptrilly jumpstream hell. Good luck with that hehehe…

Background by Coffee Milk, the original artist for the PIU Fiesta 2 background of the song.

and tell me if Yak Won has any official links to his works!

(p.s. sorry for that unfixed LN on normal :<)

Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 SS HK Koshepen 37.71 99.87% 1,038x 963 75 0 0 0 0 2.0x 6mo
2 SS KR starhbk 35.41 99.38% 783x 876 158 2 0 0 2 Mirror, 1.85x 2mo
3 SS KR Kirisame Marisa 34.27 99.28% 1,038x 819 208 11 0 0 0 1.8x 6mo
4 SS US muunii 34.12 99.20% 534x 820 208 9 0 0 1 1.8x 25d
5 S IT antony fayah 33.28 98.79% 706x 806 210 21 0 0 1 1.8x 6mo
6 SS US MyAngelPhanter 33.03 99.31% 1,038x 835 192 11 0 0 0 1.7x 6mo
7 S TH LavaLambz 31.41 98.48% 533x 768 247 20 0 0 3 1.7x 3mo
8 SS XX mrblowit 30.54 99.83% 1,038x 957 80 1 0 0 0 1.5x 6mo
9 S US koters 29.73 97.58% 1,038x 645 338 55 0 0 0 1.7x 5mo
10 S CA Strawfeather690 29.05 97.69% 1,038x 597 397 40 4 0 0 1.65x 6mo
11 S CL Neruuh 28.70 97.01% 424x 697 295 34 6 1 5 1.7x 6mo
12 SS AR mmxlbbh 28.50 99.31% 1,038x 742 290 6 0 0 0 1.45x 1mo
13 S US Millovaith 27.13 96.59% 840x 643 339 45 5 2 4 1.65x 23d
14 S GB straddler 27.08 97.85% 1,038x 668 331 35 3 1 0 1.5x 5mo
15 S US valetimesthree 26.85 97.71% 534x 701 302 27 4 0 4 1.5x 23d
16 S JP da1sy cat 26.71 97.63% 461x 655 342 34 5 0 2 1.5x 6mo
17 S MX Mikatito7u7 26.19 97.31% 783x 673 311 50 2 1 1 1.5x 6mo
18 SS FI ssolle 26.16 99.35% 1,038x 845 184 8 1 0 0 1.35x 4mo
19 S AT senaptic 25.98 98.44% 1,036x 737 274 24 2 0 1 1.4x 4mo
20 S CA NinjaSirTens 25.74 96.56% 755x 660 319 49 4 2 4 1.55x 6mo
21 S US JustinTheCat 25.39 95.04% 385x 587 364 71 7 3 6 1.7x 5mo
22 S US funnylasagnacat 25.35 98.03% 659x 681 319 36 1 0 1 1.4x 6mo
23 S RU MeffGush 24.81 97.68% 471x 611 389 35 0 1 2 1.4x 1mo
24 S PA FP4K 24.59 96.29% 704x 646 327 55 4 3 3 1.5x 6mo
25 SS US sakadex 24.47 99.11% 1,038x 793 230 15 0 0 0 1.3x 4mo
26 S US Metasohpilies 24.32 96.12% 534x 564 401 63 5 0 5 1.5x 4mo
27 S GB StellaVSRGgamer 24.10 95.97% 1,038x 595 344 96 3 0 0 1.5x 6mo
28 S VN Techie Folf 24.09 98.85% 1,038x 739 280 18 1 0 0 1.3x 6mo
29 S CA bruhvdr 24.05 95.94% 264x 632 347 41 7 0 11 1.5x 25d
30 A US hot chocolate 23.65 93.32% 257x 617 320 72 10 5 14 1.8x 4mo
31 SS US more dr pepper 23.50 99.41% 1,038x 841 190 6 1 0 0 1.25x 6mo
32 S US wheelchair 23.10 95.29% 556x 675 285 59 9 3 7 1.5x 3mo
33 S PH FLying COur 23.08 95.28% 1,038x 510 418 102 8 0 0 1.5x, Mirror, NM 5mo
34 S US dudeguy 22.64 98.79% 1,038x 760 256 21 1 0 0 1.25x 25d
35 S PE KaaZuWi 21.93 97.32% 324x 699 294 37 3 0 5 1.3x 1mo
36 S PH av1d 21.93 95.07% 518x 592 364 61 14 5 2 1.45x 2mo
37 S PT CrowR 21.62 97.08% 289x 705 284 38 6 0 5 1.3x 6mo
38 S MX MaikkXD 21.37 96.05% 650x 602 350 76 9 0 1 1.35x 6mo
39 S RU kai 4angel 21.23 95.18% 397x 603 348 72 7 3 5 1.4x 2mo
40 S DE Johnnybobo 21.11 96.70% 556x 667 304 57 8 0 2 1.3x 2mo
41 S HU PancakeGod 21.06 95.82% 533x 598 362 63 10 0 5 1.35x 3mo
42 A MX TheDarkLord 20.91 93.72% 506x 612 321 78 15 6 6 1.5x 6mo
43 S SG Soaringhawk143 20.73 98.32% 1,038x 711 298 27 1 1 0 1.2x 6mo
44 S FI succ09 20.63 96.33% 397x 624 346 58 5 1 4 1.3x 6mo
45 S FR Evil Buddy 74 20.37 96.12% 950x 603 355 73 4 2 1 1.3x 6mo
46 S US kozzy88 20.33 97.03% 696x 647 345 33 9 1 3 1.25x 5mo
47 S US st4s1s 20.18 97.89% 897x 618 382 35 2 0 1 1.2x 6mo
48 S GB LimeInTime 19.83 95.70% 764x 613 332 81 10 0 2 1.3x 19d
49 S SG LungS 19.78 97.56% 1,038x 613 376 45 4 0 0 1.2x 3mo
50 S MX INFERM6T 19.78 97.56% 500x 690 311 29 3 0 5 1.2x 5mo