
Created by: Spartan
Submitted: 6 months ago
Ranked: 26 days ago
Source: vivid/stasis
sv, breakcore, speedcore, chiptune, stop, motion, stopmotion, vivid, stasis, vividstasis, v/s
BPM: 288
Length: 3:09
Passes/Fails: 18 / 1550

falling and falling through an endless abyss - will you ever find solid ground again?

stop-motion is an original song from vivid/stasis, developed by hajimeli / team vividstasis - distributed here under the non-commercial use guidelines of vivid/stasis original songs.
even though i am part of the charting team of vivid/stasis, this chart is not officially endorsed by hajimeli or sky hour works, and is to be treated like a non-commercial fan work.

made using amogusv and affine.
background made by me.

stutter - stills - slowjam - anchoring - multiscroll - blind memory - denormalization - affine
estimated qsvds rating: ~57 (memory-hybrid)

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Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 B AU Spartan 12.16 88.75% 536x 922 685 274 66 15 24 None 1mo
2 B US ESV TURTLESS24 7.70 83.13% 327x 742 709 363 100 25 47 0.9x 24d