Pamyu Pamyu Revolution
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu

Created by: Zomer
Submitted: over 3 years ago
Ranked: over 3 years ago
Source: Pamyu Pamyu Revolution
Bubblegum Technopop Yusuke Nakagawa
BPM: 130
Length: 1:00
Passes/Fails: 1225 / 266

Normal ✓
Hard ✓
Insane ✓

Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 SS US Polygon 31.97 99.36% 459x 367 88 4 0 0 0 2.0x, Mirror 3y
2 SS US 6y0VFH4I3hIHffX 31.92 99.73% 459x 387 72 0 0 0 0 2.0x 4y
3 SS JP F4L 30.86 99.17% 459x 317 138 4 0 0 0 2.0x 3y
4 SS MY 2rrrr 30.83 99.15% 459x 313 142 4 0 0 0 2.0x 4y
5 S KR PinguS 30.31 98.87% 457x 362 90 6 0 0 1 2.0x 3y
6 S US qqp 30.26 98.45% 450x 317 134 5 2 0 1 2.0x, Mirror 3y
7 S US wolfNAV 30.12 98.76% 459x 325 124 10 0 0 0 2.0x 4mo
8 S KR gyeom0915 29.82 98.60% 269x 356 95 5 2 0 1 2.0x 2y
9 S KR BBAMI 29.60 98.48% 459x 270 178 11 0 0 0 2.0x 3y
10 S US BMS 29.07 98.18% 340x 318 128 11 1 0 1 2.0x 3y
11 SS DE ElectroYan 28.23 99.32% 459x 356 99 4 0 0 0 1.8x 4y
12 SS BE shaafs 27.99 99.17% 459x 337 117 5 0 0 0 1.8x 3y
13 S NO Firdibirdy 27.74 97.42% 247x 266 171 21 0 0 1 2.0x 5mo
14 S US Everiz 27.60 98.94% 459x 357 94 7 1 0 0 1.8x 3y
15 S JP itsuko 27.43 97.24% 246x 291 147 16 4 0 1 2.0x 2y
16 S TR Arserene 27.16 98.34% 459x 351 92 15 1 0 0 1.8x, Mirror 3y
17 S PH Kiokumi 26.85 96.89% 307x 295 144 15 2 1 2 2.0x 3y
18 S US Reazy 26.74 96.83% 301x 296 141 16 4 1 1 2.0x 2y
19 S AT Fabi03 26.15 96.47% 225x 284 152 18 1 1 3 2.0x 2y
20 S RU joune 25.39 95.99% 319x 296 128 29 4 0 2 2.0x 2y
21 SS US Atomic Ant 25.28 99.16% 459x 353 100 6 0 0 0 1.65x 2y
22 S MY xkre 25.14 95.84% 459x 242 177 35 5 0 0 2.0x 3y
23 S ID Nyuryu 24.88 95.67% 315x 244 175 38 0 1 1 2.0x 3y
24 S RU Reshi 24.80 95.62% 317x 269 149 35 5 0 1 2.0x 1y
25 S AR Teby 24.43 97.94% 459x 291 152 13 3 0 0 1.7x 3y
26 S PT Zeshin 24.34 95.32% 271x 261 158 32 6 0 2 2.0x 2y
27 S US ginge 24.32 95.31% 232x 309 127 13 3 4 3 2.0x 3y
28 S BE Zomer 23.81 98.79% 459x 354 95 9 1 0 0 1.6x 3y
29 S UA nonameorous 23.35 96.84% 331x 279 154 23 1 0 2 1.7x, Mirror 9mo
30 S US Noobfile1 23.35 96.38% 174x 325 109 17 5 1 2 Mirror, 1.75x 2y
31 A US soapywater 22.96 94.40% 162x 315 109 23 3 0 9 2.0x 10mo
32 S HK AnLs 22.91 95.40% 312x 173 241 44 0 0 1 1.85x 3y
33 S PE nikko07 22.80 95.33% 314x 248 174 29 5 0 3 1.85x 2y
34 S HK exmczy 22.31 96.47% 435x 272 154 30 2 0 1 1.7x 3y
35 S US avacado osu 22.22 96.40% 273x 291 141 23 0 0 4 1.7x 2y
36 S US SoTA 21.88 98.94% 459x 342 111 4 2 0 0 1.5x 3y
37 S XX walteir 21.03 98.29% 372x 343 102 13 0 0 1 1.5x 3y
38 S DE HamsterHasser 20.65 98.00% 251x 303 140 15 0 0 1 1.5x 3y
39 S PE Cuasi71 20.36 95.01% 185x 297 129 24 3 2 4 1.7x 2y
40 A US sharpbanana 20.34 94.99% 228x 180 245 27 3 2 2 1.7x 4y
41 A US sotaman 20.12 94.82% 274x 216 201 35 4 1 2 1.7x 9mo
42 A KR Graymark 19.73 93.56% 332x 251 163 32 8 4 1 1.8x 2y
43 S EC GuiIIe 19.66 97.19% 361x 293 143 19 3 0 1 1.5x 2y
44 S CN Maxturberry 19.50 95.55% 224x 280 158 9 6 2 4 1.6x 9mo
45 A HK Raxel 19.40 91.79% 280x 225 180 38 7 5 4 2.0x 3y
46 S US kadef 18.79 98.24% 458x 371 73 13 1 0 1 1.4x 2y
47 S US KineticNotes 18.40 96.13% 115x 292 147 12 2 1 5 1.5x 5mo
48 S KR TapTopLENA 18.31 96.90% 249x 334 102 17 4 1 1 1.45x 3y
49 S AT animexamera 18.20 95.95% 316x 260 168 24 5 1 1 1.5x 3y
50 S CA s a y o r i 17.87 95.66% 248x 292 131 29 4 0 3 1.5x 3y