Mii Channel (Abridged)

Created by: Pepega Clap
Submitted: about 4 years ago
Ranked: about 4 years ago
Source: n/a
meme, clone hero, nintendo, wii, sv, john cena, metallica one
BPM: 114
Length: 2:57
Passes/Fails: 11660 / 51263

The Pepega SV Series

What is this series about?

The goal of this series is to introduce more SV maps into Quaver that are fun to play. We need more good SV maps in general, especially ones for 7k. That is why I map both 4k and 7k difficulties for each song.

I hope that you enjoy these maps (except this cursed one)

1.) nitro - [line:δ][uksrt:vip]
2.) Leroy Anderson - The Typewriter
3.) Arctures vs DJ KEmoNOiZE - diSTractiOn PoInT
4.) Helvian - Mii Channel (Abridged)
5.) Frums (unknown "lambda") - 19ZZ
6.) Hayakore Tatsumi - TatsumiyaTEK #05

Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 S FI PianoLuigi 19.16 97.45% 497x 667 333 38 2 0 4 2.0x 4y
2 S KR JEON 18.92 97.24% 980x 633 367 36 3 0 5 2.0x 4y
3 S US pixelperfect55 18.72 97.07% 650x 649 346 40 4 0 5 2.0x 8mo
4 S GB ATP Drag0n 17.71 96.18% 437x 693 288 46 9 0 8 2.0x 1y
5 S US 1016madman 17.59 96.07% 861x 635 335 62 6 0 6 2.0x 1y
6 S US rodygo 17.50 95.98% 586x 570 393 73 4 1 3 2.0x 10mo
7 S KR PIPP9 17.45 95.94% 923x 586 379 70 3 0 6 2.0x 1y
8 S US xs808xs 17.39 95.88% 789x 593 385 50 7 0 9 2.0x 1mo
9 S US myosotica 16.84 95.37% 433x 629 346 50 7 3 9 2.0x 3y
10 S CL Rohii 16.24 97.11% 778x 701 288 46 6 0 3 1.7x 4y
11 S IT la pogatura 16.13 96.11% 411x 718 263 45 9 0 9 1.8x 3y
12 S US KGB Official 16.00 97.90% 695x 739 275 21 5 0 4 1.6x 1y
13 S US VeggieBurger53 14.87 96.21% 983x 695 276 57 13 1 2 1.65x 3y
14 A ES Darokin11 14.58 94.51% 981x 569 364 92 13 0 6 1.8x 2y
15 A CN cccc 14.06 94.80% 1,044x 576 355 98 13 2 0 1.7x 3y
16 A CA Novicube 13.93 94.24% 983x 559 339 142 2 0 2 1.75x 1y
17 S DE TheDanBogach 13.92 95.65% 983x 580 366 90 6 0 2 1.6x 4y
18 A KR Haroosari 13.91 93.77% 353x 553 374 97 8 1 11 1.8x 3y
19 S GB 4rt 13.65 97.62% 983x 679 325 34 3 1 2 1.4x 4y
20 S GB ShirXzo 13.33 95.95% 497x 660 312 58 6 0 8 1.5x 4y
21 S FR Xeronid 13.32 95.94% 983x 648 323 52 18 1 2 1.5x 4y
22 A PT Vschur 13.26 93.02% 385x 555 368 89 19 3 10 1.8x 3y
23 S US frobuddyharry 13.16 97.03% 982x 649 346 37 8 0 4 1.4x 4y
24 A LV DJZ 13.15 94.75% 506x 528 416 88 3 2 7 1.6x 4y
25 S MX TheWobas 12.79 95.30% 472x 669 300 56 9 5 5 1.5x 2y
26 A US Nickwo 12.73 92.39% 731x 590 317 104 20 6 7 1.8x 2y
27 S US Afrii 12.69 95.18% 369x 693 275 48 19 2 7 1.5x 2y
28 S RU ver1kksun 12.59 97.05% 983x 652 338 46 5 1 2 1.35x 4y
29 S FI ssolle 12.31 98.30% 983x 761 254 23 5 0 1 1.25x 2y
30 A EE aya 12.26 94.13% 496x 526 394 106 13 0 5 1.55x 4y
31 A AR xforest 12.23 92.63% 560x 568 372 62 23 6 13 1.7x 8mo
32 S AR Teby 12.16 97.26% 1,044x 796 198 34 15 1 0 1.3x 4y
33 A US ph03n1x 12.08 90.24% 380x 520 372 99 29 6 18 2.0x 4y
34 S US Reazy Fwoof 12.03 97.92% 782x 764 240 35 3 0 2 1.25x 3y
35 A US UseLaneCover 11.96 94.24% 494x 628 317 78 7 2 12 1.5x 3y
36 S US rad dragon 11.89 96.89% 983x 684 303 49 4 2 2 1.3x 4y
37 A US hitfy 11.85 93.13% 810x 554 372 85 22 5 6 1.6x 8mo
38 A CA komio223 11.80 91.67% 412x 637 295 68 16 8 20 1.75x 2y
39 S US Condukt 11.75 95.94% 513x 597 370 64 8 0 5 1.35x 4y
40 B US FluffyMaddy 11.70 89.76% 474x 477 417 99 24 13 14 2.0x 3y
41 A SG TtlyYrreb 11.50 93.63% 731x 516 401 105 15 2 5 1.5x, Mirror 10mo
42 S PT BooChan 11.41 96.23% 983x 637 322 77 7 0 1 1.3x 4y
43 A US Skylighter 11.36 93.43% 321x 587 342 86 16 2 11 1.5x 2mo
44 S US nonyu 11.33 96.11% 725x 680 293 60 4 2 5 1.3x 4y
45 A KR eospjm1 11.32 94.62% 525x 589 348 81 23 0 3 1.4x 4y
46 A US ChaChaSlider 11.21 94.46% 318x 653 300 63 18 4 6 1.4x 3y
47 A RO Qweet25 11.09 93.07% 409x 619 314 74 22 4 11 1.5x 3y
48 A TH LavaLambz 11.05 93.00% 343x 711 221 72 24 4 12 1.5x 10mo
49 S BG LazerDynamiX 10.92 96.35% 980x 617 362 55 4 1 5 1.25x 1y
50 A GB Derper24 10.84 92.70% 570x 618 332 61 8 11 14 1.5x 3y