Good Time for Rain

Created by: yahweh
Submitted: about 3 years ago
Ranked: almost 3 years ago
Source: n/a
piano, calm, instrumental, lofi
BPM: 100
Length: 1:37
Passes/Fails: 1691 / 1448

Thanks to akiri for allowing their music to be bundled with quaver

Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 SS DE Frontyy 17.75 99.88% 285x 265 20 0 0 0 0 2.0x, Mirror 4mo
2 SS US Reazy 17.68 99.81% 285x 254 31 0 0 0 0 2.0x, Mirror 2y
3 SS JP metyabo 17.32 99.88% 285x 265 20 0 0 0 0 2.0x 2y
4 SS PT Euh 17.26 99.82% 285x 255 30 0 0 0 0 2.0x 3y
5 SS JP F4L 17.23 99.79% 285x 250 35 0 0 0 0 2.0x 3y
6 SS US Noobfile1 17.13 99.69% 285x 235 50 0 0 0 0 2.0x 2y
7 SS US wolfNAV 17.04 99.61% 285x 240 44 1 0 0 0 2.0x 2y
8 SS KR gyeom0915 16.93 99.49% 285x 202 83 0 0 0 0 2.0x 2y
9 SS US soapywater 16.84 99.41% 285x 246 36 3 0 0 0 2.0x 10mo
10 SS PE Cuasi71 16.81 99.38% 285x 222 61 2 0 0 0 2.0x 2y
11 SS KR Femtomino 16.72 99.29% 285x 188 96 1 0 0 0 2.0x 3y
12 SS US Jatrick 16.57 99.13% 285x 220 61 4 0 0 0 2.0x 3y
13 S ID Subtlr 16.25 98.82% 167x 234 47 3 0 0 1 2.0x 2y
14 S US Spozof 16.01 98.57% 239x 241 41 1 0 0 2 2.0x 2mo
15 S US kusa 15.57 98.12% 155x 233 49 0 0 0 3 2.0x 3y
16 S NO Makak 15.44 97.98% 285x 188 86 10 1 0 0 2.0x 3y
17 S RO BCG 15.33 97.86% 285x 192 82 9 2 0 0 2.0x 2y
18 S SG jorud 15.31 97.84% 285x 162 111 12 0 0 0 2.0x 3y
19 S DE Auwee 15.26 97.79% 232x 181 94 9 0 0 1 2.0x 2y
20 S PL Kawiri 15.20 97.73% 233x 202 76 4 1 0 2 2.0x 2y
21 S UA nonameorous 15.16 97.29% 154x 184 90 9 0 0 2 2.0x, Mirror 2y
22 S CO Daster300 15.11 97.63% 209x 200 75 7 2 0 1 2.0x 3y
23 S PE dsdasdas 15.10 97.61% 285x 203 72 8 1 1 0 2.0x 2y
24 S RU Blackm1n 14.98 97.49% 227x 192 86 4 1 1 1 2.0x 2y
25 S AT Not Tidduss 14.73 98.80% 285x 204 75 6 0 0 0 1.9x, NM 6mo
26 S US fosterboy117 14.72 97.20% 168x 174 101 7 1 0 2 2.0x 2y
27 S US shiroupi 14.41 96.86% 285x 176 89 19 1 0 0 2.0x 3y
28 S CL fabb 14.33 96.77% 166x 170 98 15 1 0 1 2.0x 2y
29 S PH Hikari Zero 14.23 96.65% 114x 184 88 10 0 0 3 2.0x 3y
30 S AR Leandroxmk 13.86 96.23% 230x 164 102 17 0 0 2 2.0x 1y
31 S BR pedro233331 13.60 95.93% 167x 193 75 13 1 1 2 2.0x 2y
32 S PH PaperK 13.50 95.81% 127x 178 91 11 2 1 2 2.0x 3y
33 S TH AIZU 13.43 95.73% 141x 197 78 3 1 0 6 2.0x 2y
34 S US DeathzTheAwsome 13.43 95.73% 165x 171 98 12 1 2 1 2.0x 2y
35 S CL alfaale19 13.37 95.65% 265x 171 91 18 4 0 1 2.0x 2y
36 S FI Huukkeli 13.09 95.32% 182x 188 80 12 1 2 2 2.0x 2y
37 A DE AGuyWithNoKeys 13.03 94.86% 101x 197 74 6 1 0 7 2.0x, Mirror 2y
38 A US KagesCavern 12.48 94.56% 154x 165 94 21 2 1 2 2.0x 3y
39 A AR gertrudis100 11.78 93.28% 208x 161 94 20 6 0 4 2.0x, Mirror 2y
40 A MX RimuruTempest1 11.15 92.80% 134x 183 75 17 3 1 6 2.0x 2y
41 A PH Amowgus 11.05 92.67% 104x 180 82 12 3 2 6 2.0x 3y
42 S US nei 10.88 97.73% 218x 198 79 6 0 0 2 1.7x 2y
43 A BR NikiIkinb 10.73 92.21% 111x 163 91 21 3 1 6 2.0x 2y
44 A US GRiMNOiiR 10.50 91.88% 172x 154 99 19 7 1 5 2.0x 2y
45 S US uiop327 10.38 96.97% 285x 179 88 16 2 0 0 1.7x 1y
46 S RU Saidy Kein 10.22 96.71% 148x 194 76 13 0 1 1 1.7x 3y
47 A US pikachad 10.08 91.25% 165x 161 93 18 4 1 8 2.0x 2y
48 A KR Sumire 9.54 90.43% 169x 179 76 12 9 3 6 2.0x 1y
49 A RU RegularScimitar 9.51 90.37% 111x 179 71 17 11 3 4 2.0x 3y
50 A US NITRON 9.31 94.04% 169x 160 97 23 1 1 3 1.75x 6mo