Nothing but Theory

Created by: amogu
Submitted: almost 4 years ago
Ranked: about 3 years ago
Source: beatmania IIDX 25 CANNON BALLERS
ULTRA JAZZFUNKTION, jazz, fusion, konami, bemani, 2dx, japanese, electronic, instrumental, ost, SV, Fullest, Drater, DraterTD
BPM: 160
Length: 2:01
Passes/Fails: 350 / 5725

Thank you Fullest for making a cool LN gd

Thank you Drater for making a cool SV gd

play with vsync (60fps + input delay) or limted fps (240fps) if needed to reduce note flashing? you can change those settings in options > video > framerate. maybe the map and svs will still work fine on unlimited frames, but idk

sorry to 144hz/144fps or non-constant fps players, maybe?

sorry to 5-30 scroll speed players. playing with top lane cover and/or adjusting scroll speed might help

SV idea/concept stolen from PlayerZero's osu!mania storyboard map:

Check out PlayerZero's map on youtube:

no 7k because 1.) lazy 2.) 7k reverse scroll / splitscroll sv too crazy/obscure of a skillset to make a map for, seeing how hard the 4k diffs already are

Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 S US ERA Akiri 28.60 98.62% 1,125x 1,190 455 27 1 1 2 None 2y
2 S EC Pitodulce 26.67 97.47% 653x 1,131 485 46 5 1 8 None 2y
3 A RU rellikoder 22.18 94.52% 589x 694 801 165 6 1 9 None 1y
4 A KR D o t 21.97 94.38% 738x 987 545 107 17 9 11 None 5mo
5 A US myosotica 20.14 93.02% 577x 1,250 275 90 23 13 25 None 1y
6 A LT ichinose shiki 19.36 92.40% 1,055x 706 691 252 20 3 4 None 1y
7 A UY Sophiza 17.03 90.45% 250x 859 568 176 34 9 30 None 5mo
8 B CL Dav4d 14.64 88.20% 265x 627 671 308 39 5 26 None 2y
9 B US The One Booty 14.46 88.02% 566x 335 876 430 26 4 5 None 3y
10 B CL tulachica 12.70 86.14% 266x 652 630 293 57 20 24 None 3y
11 B US KingScrub 9.81 82.51% 312x 369 683 530 65 7 22 None 3y