Aether Ritual

Created by: yahweh
Submitted: about 5 years ago
Ranked: about 5 years ago
Source: n/a
percussion, tribe, electronic
BPM: 182
Length: 0:52
Passes/Fails: 1009 / 517

a e t h e r r i t u a l

Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 SS ID Arasy 34.01 99.25% 566x 437 123 6 0 0 0 1.9x 5y
2 S GB Melon 33.73 98.37% 296x 409 146 9 0 1 1 2.0x 5y
3 S JP F4L 32.24 98.37% 221x 379 176 9 0 0 2 1.9x 3y
4 S SE Sadcat 32.23 97.62% 315x 410 133 19 2 0 2 2.0x, Mirror 5y
5 S GB Squid Game 32.03 97.53% 238x 403 147 9 3 0 4 2.0x 5y
6 SS RO robby250 31.96 99.06% 566x 455 102 8 1 0 0 1.8x 4y
7 S CA JSimon 30.85 96.92% 164x 441 107 8 3 0 7 2.0x 2y
8 SS US yahweh 30.46 99.18% 566x 416 144 6 0 0 0 1.7x 5y
9 S CN Sweetsoul 30.21 98.13% 566x 413 134 15 4 0 0 1.8x 5y
10 S TH KenZ 30.10 96.53% 375x 341 198 22 0 2 3 2.0x 5y
11 S MY xRay 29.89 97.14% 306x 386 155 20 2 1 2 1.9x 5y
12 S FR Ariabl eyeS 29.89 96.41% 205x 416 118 25 2 1 4 2.0x 4y
13 SS SG Judiciousity 29.38 99.22% 566x 467 91 8 0 0 0 1.65x 5y
14 S DE Frontyy 28.92 97.42% 421x 422 123 17 0 1 3 1.8x 2y
15 S US uhm 28.64 95.73% 301x 355 178 23 4 2 4 2.0x 5mo
16 S PL Schwi 28.30 96.25% 216x 384 143 32 4 0 3 1.9x 5y
17 S US QC cake123 28.19 97.91% 332x 431 121 7 5 1 1 1.7x 3y
18 S NO Bizarrely 28.00 95.37% 165x 405 129 17 6 0 9 2.0x 2mo
19 S US Zangoose 28.00 95.37% 265x 357 172 27 3 2 5 2.0x 5y
20 SS HK AnLs 27.94 99.01% 467x 445 114 6 0 0 1 1.6x 4y
21 S ES Anas 27.51 97.52% 234x 464 89 5 3 2 3 1.7x 5y
22 A GB xyphla 27.25 94.94% 187x 412 121 18 5 3 7 2.0x 3y
23 A CA Genuine 27.22 94.92% 270x 332 200 20 5 2 7 2.0x 5y
24 SS DE ElectroYan 26.08 99.16% 467x 440 123 1 1 0 1 1.5x 4y
25 SS BR lucasrei12 26.06 99.15% 566x 404 156 6 0 0 0 1.5x 4y
26 S US wolfnav 25.47 95.38% 201x 376 147 31 7 0 5 1.8x 2y
27 S BE shaafs 25.08 96.64% 259x 352 181 26 5 0 2 1.65x 4y
28 S US Reazy Fwoof 24.98 96.58% 229x 411 132 13 4 1 5 1.65x 3y
29 S US MTA 24.86 98.37% 300x 448 107 6 3 0 2 1.5x 5y
30 S NO Firdibirdy 24.77 96.44% 269x 330 208 20 4 1 3 1.65x 1y
31 S FR MarsJackson 24.53 95.67% 230x 419 118 17 2 0 10 1.7x 5y
32 S US gaming 24.35 95.55% 200x 364 167 25 2 0 8 1.7x 5y
33 S US thegoodShard 23.56 97.49% 421x 389 154 20 0 0 3 1.5x 2y
34 S BE Vayvess 23.53 95.01% 188x 372 151 31 5 1 6 1.7x 5y
35 S US Bjorken 23.15 95.36% 150x 392 143 15 8 1 7 1.65x 6mo
36 S DE LordTimeWaste 22.72 98.35% 566x 439 113 11 2 1 0 1.4x 5y
37 S RU Nhelv 22.68 96.88% 264x 466 82 10 1 3 4 1.5x 3y
38 S DE Botward 22.49 95.46% 169x 362 171 22 4 3 4 1.6x, Mirror 2y
39 S CA PlayerZero 22.48 95.49% 355x 348 177 32 5 3 1 1.6x 5y
40 S US Noobfile1 22.44 95.46% 262x 400 127 25 9 1 4 1.6x 3y
41 S CA Dizzayy 22.34 98.08% 566x 448 105 8 3 2 0 1.4x 4y
42 S US kadef 22.14 97.93% 267x 381 170 10 3 0 2 1.4x 3y
43 S JP srtn 21.99 96.33% 212x 394 154 8 1 2 7 1.5x, Mirror 5y
44 A AT Fabi03 21.89 91.54% 114x 331 177 33 7 2 16 2.0x 3y
45 S PT CurlMike 21.80 96.24% 244x 456 87 10 5 1 7 1.5x 5y
46 S NL Myrdana 21.77 96.22% 197x 389 143 24 6 0 4 1.5x 5y
47 S EC GuiIIe 21.40 95.94% 232x 351 186 17 7 2 3 1.5x 3y
48 A MA Saber 21.34 93.47% 220x 339 174 39 3 3 8 1.7x 5y
49 S FI PianoLuigi 20.56 96.73% 269x 427 113 18 3 1 4 1.4x 5y
50 A HK ManiaCat 20.55 94.07% 264x 442 93 12 5 6 8 1.6x 8mo