RoughSketch x CANVAS feat. Quimar

Created by: Alyca
Submitted: over 2 years ago
Ranked: over 2 years ago
video game, instrumental, electronic, DraterTD, SDVX 5, SDVX V, HEXA DIVER, 侵寇の王女篇, Shinkou no Oujo hen, Princess of Invasion, The 9th KAC, original song contest, オリジナル楽曲コンテスト, KONAMI, BEMANI
BPM: 249.5
Length: 2:02
Passes/Fails: 8194 / 7144
Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 SS GB Zoobin4 35.35 99.36% 1,261x 1,047 206 7 0 1 0 1.7x 1y
2 S CA DommyMommy ASMR 33.82 98.63% 666x 959 285 10 3 1 3 1.7x 2y
3 S ID Reihynn 33.42 98.43% 689x 950 282 23 3 0 3 1.7x 2y
4 S US Huntsman01 32.68 96.94% 597x 851 340 59 6 0 5 2.0x 10mo
5 S PE jOsE910 32.62 98.47% 1,261x 883 341 36 1 0 0 1.65x 10mo
6 S CA ATP Drake 32.52 97.99% 847x 856 370 29 1 1 4 1.7x 2y
7 S US Hailcxt 31.85 98.84% 1,223x 948 289 23 0 0 1 1.55x 2y
8 S US Alyca 31.59 98.71% 817x 916 321 22 0 0 2 1.55x 2y
9 S US Tempy 31.53 98.67% 760x 989 250 16 3 0 3 1.55x 2y
10 S US muunii 31.34 98.36% 759x 927 313 14 1 1 5 1.6x 5mo
11 S KR Lesitia 31.30 98.34% 849x 950 275 31 3 0 2 1.6x, Mirror 2y
12 S PL SILLYFARTGIRL 31.08 96.69% 312x 892 304 49 7 1 8 1.8x 6mo
13 S US WAVING 30.53 97.93% 650x 913 309 29 6 0 4 1.6x, Mirror 1y
14 S US funnycatpfp 30.49 97.92% 1,073x 879 345 30 3 3 1 1.6x 2y
15 S US SabianStar 30.36 97.85% 451x 871 344 39 4 0 3 1.6x 2y
16 S US Slicc121 30.30 98.71% 793x 934 307 16 1 0 3 1.5x 15d
17 S US soapywater 30.29 97.80% 847x 948 274 29 5 3 2 1.6x 5mo
18 S TR krom 29.59 98.33% 1,245x 939 295 22 1 3 1 1.5x 2y
19 SS CA KoderDeSalmin 29.56 99.19% 1,261x 961 285 15 0 0 0 1.4x 3mo
20 S DZ Jindax 29.52 96.42% 632x 740 445 61 10 2 3 1.7x 1y
21 S US Satoru G0jo 29.38 98.21% 703x 956 278 20 1 2 4 1.5x 2y
22 S US ChaosKel 29.02 97.32% 496x 821 391 37 6 1 5 1.55x 2y
23 S US Flameflan 28.92 96.51% 446x 899 291 54 8 1 8 1.65x 2y
24 S XX skibidi toiIet 28.65 97.11% 607x 798 401 54 2 0 6 1.55x 2y
25 S BR Kamiih 28.38 97.64% 893x 868 336 51 4 0 2 1.5x 2y
26 S ES soytontito47 28.31 98.48% 766x 960 272 24 2 0 3 1.4x 2y
27 S US Cyllene 27.96 96.51% 1,033x 869 341 33 6 8 4 1.6x 2y
28 S MX RushiaMyBeloved 27.90 97.37% 570x 799 410 43 4 1 4 1.5x 5mo
29 S MY Terces 27.72 98.13% 835x 832 395 29 2 1 2 1.4x 2y
30 S CA EssentricWolf 27.49 97.13% 840x 820 373 62 2 1 3 1.5x 2mo
31 S US anime fan 27.44 97.10% 668x 853 336 65 4 1 2 1.5x, Mirror 6mo
32 SS US 3Mudkip 27.31 99.12% 1,087x 1,007 240 11 2 0 1 1.3x 2mo
33 SS RU Gorillada 27.16 99.03% 1,261x 979 265 16 0 1 0 1.3x 1y
34 S US fosterboy117 27.15 96.25% 520x 801 377 67 11 3 2 1.55x 2y
35 S US Royboy64 27.14 97.79% 773x 854 366 32 5 1 3 1.4x 2y
36 S US Cheesy Taco Man 27.08 95.04% 735x 754 383 108 10 3 3 1.7x 2y
37 S AR RegisteredName 27.03 97.21% 1,083x 833 359 61 6 0 2 1.45x 2y
38 S PE LawXD 26.95 96.13% 1,075x 818 365 59 11 3 5 1.55x 1y
39 S GB BunLyfe 26.93 96.79% 816x 885 305 59 6 2 4 1.5x 2y
40 S US Zyukiz 26.82 98.82% 1,261x 871 367 22 1 0 0 1.3x, Mirror 1y
41 S US sussybaba12345 26.79 97.58% 566x 840 376 37 2 1 5 1.4x 4mo
42 S MY HiroMoogus217 26.78 97.57% 551x 857 352 45 3 1 3 1.4x 2y
43 S KR gyeom0915 26.68 97.51% 1,169x 852 359 41 5 2 2 1.4x 2y
44 S BR Sy4n0 26.47 95.64% 586x 780 391 72 8 4 6 1.6x 1y
45 S US TestiTickler 26.23 96.37% 808x 850 329 63 14 0 5 1.5x 2mo
46 A KR K0PSSSF 26.15 94.49% 425x 811 348 71 14 5 12 1.7x 1y
47 S CL Dav4d 26.12 97.82% 1,208x 837 386 30 3 1 4 1.35x 1y
48 S MY axufl 26.01 97.75% 517x 828 392 35 1 2 3 Mirror, 1.35x 2y
49 S FI sSolle 25.95 98.28% 758x 953 274 29 1 0 4 1.3x 1y
50 S HK ManiaCat 25.93 98.27% 1,261x 897 321 40 3 0 0 1.3x 1mo