RoughSketch x CANVAS feat. Quimar

Created by: Alyca
Submitted: about 3 years ago
Ranked: almost 3 years ago
video game, instrumental, electronic, DraterTD, SDVX 5, SDVX V, HEXA DIVER, 侵寇の王女篇, Shinkou no Oujo hen, Princess of Invasion, The 9th KAC, original song contest, オリジナル楽曲コンテスト, KONAMI, BEMANI
BPM: 249.5
Length: 2:02
Passes/Fails: 4530 / 4153
Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 S GB Zoobin4 37.21 98.77% 1,130x 1,177 313 16 2 0 4 1.45x 2y
2 SS US Huntsman01 36.74 99.36% 1,512x 1,210 290 11 1 0 0 1.35x 3y
3 S US sparklingjaiden 34.85 98.49% 608x 1,124 361 20 2 1 4 1.35x 3y
4 S US RockyAdrian 34.27 98.59% 1,443x 1,098 391 17 2 2 2 1.3x, Mirror 2y
5 S US Alyca 34.15 98.54% 1,512x 1,011 462 38 1 0 0 1.3x 2y
6 S US RiceyHolmez 34.05 98.48% 769x 1,045 433 31 0 0 3 1.3x, Mirror 3y
7 S ID Reihynn 34.04 98.48% 1,151x 1,113 366 26 4 0 3 1.3x 3y
8 S RU zDanex 33.57 98.93% 1,439x 1,035 457 19 0 0 1 1.25x 5mo
9 SS US muunii 32.91 99.11% 933x 1,133 362 16 0 0 1 1.2x 1y
10 SS US OwOMythical 32.88 99.10% 1,163x 1,196 302 11 0 0 3 1.2x 3y
11 S CA Mystkc 32.27 98.79% 1,244x 1,185 302 20 2 0 3 1.2x 2y
12 S US Flameflan 32.15 98.22% 870x 1,144 327 34 3 2 2 1.25x 3y
13 SS KR gyeom0915 32.14 99.23% 1,198x 1,205 293 12 1 0 1 1.15x 3y
14 S PL SILLYFARTGIRL 31.87 97.03% 406x 949 488 63 5 0 7 1.35x 2y
15 SS CA bushidored 31.87 99.69% 1,512x 1,303 206 3 0 0 0 1.1x 2y
16 S US HJPboss 31.79 97.36% 862x 1,079 375 43 7 2 6 1.3x 3y
17 S IT runfox777 31.75 98.52% 1,241x 1,127 358 21 1 1 4 1.2x 4mo
18 S TR krom 31.73 98.51% 1,041x 1,077 402 30 0 1 2 1.2x 2y
19 SS US ChaosKel 31.69 99.00% 1,245x 1,150 345 13 2 0 2 1.15x 2y
20 S KR Lesitia 31.68 97.98% 593x 1,087 386 25 8 0 6 Mirror, 1.25x 3y
21 SS TW Nobu150 31.54 99.52% 1,512x 1,214 292 6 0 0 0 1.1x 3y
22 S KR K0PSSSF 31.47 98.38% 971x 1,133 344 28 3 1 3 1.2x 2y
23 S XX AST blow it 31.32 98.30% 933x 1,182 291 31 3 0 5 1.2x 5mo
24 SS SA cuber the weeb 31.26 99.37% 1,512x 1,220 280 11 1 0 0 1.1x 2y
25 S AR boxipro 31.18 98.22% 1,441x 1,033 434 40 3 0 2 1.2x 2y
26 S CA Man Is Dead 31.08 97.00% 510x 909 544 41 8 1 9 1.3x 1mo
27 S US funnycatpfp 31.00 97.63% 456x 989 472 41 3 1 6 1.25x 3y
28 SS GB welshevo 31.00 99.23% 786x 1,235 271 1 2 1 2 1.1x 3y
29 SS KR ADGOPE 30.94 99.20% 1,193x 1,136 363 12 0 0 1 1.1x 1y
30 SS US Kitkat3791 30.93 99.20% 1,512x 1,122 374 16 0 0 0 1.1x 3mo
31 S PE LawXD 30.84 98.55% 1,040x 1,018 460 31 2 0 1 1.15x 2y
32 S PH ATP thehmmmman 30.57 98.41% 1,512x 1,009 462 37 4 0 0 1.15x 5mo
33 S US Slicc121 30.48 97.86% 1,126x 1,041 424 35 7 0 5 1.2x 8mo
34 S DE YasiHawt 30.43 98.33% 1,435x 1,074 396 35 6 0 1 Mirror, 1.15x 3y
35 S US Xenternne 30.41 98.32% 785x 1,103 373 31 0 1 4 1.15x 3y
36 S RU Gorillada 30.34 98.88% 1,509x 1,176 311 22 1 0 2 1.1x 2y
37 S CA Kwentler 30.33 98.87% 1,468x 1,058 435 14 4 0 1 1.1x 3y
38 S US QC Kaidux 30.23 97.72% 863x 1,014 449 39 4 2 4 1.2x 2y
39 S CA ALCoderDeSalmin 30.21 97.71% 1,341x 1,014 450 38 4 3 3 1.2x 1y
40 S US WAVING 29.99 97.59% 418x 1,094 369 37 2 1 9 1.2x 1y
41 S ES Jositocrack11 29.87 98.03% 644x 1,171 309 19 3 1 9 1.15x 2y
42 S BY bl3sk 29.84 98.61% 819x 1,167 316 23 2 0 4 1.1x 3y
43 S PE FernandoGossow 29.78 97.98% 771x 999 469 36 3 0 5 1.15x 2y
44 S KR MineKocho 29.63 98.49% 526x 1,070 413 23 2 0 4 1.1x 3y
45 S FR Babibelbleu 29.58 98.46% 1,213x 1,009 470 28 3 0 2 1.1x 3y
46 S KR Pcube 29.56 98.45% 816x 1,016 461 31 2 0 2 1.1x 3y
47 S FR boe siiz 29.54 98.44% 519x 1,068 420 17 1 1 5 1.1x 2y
48 S US WokefulWater 29.43 98.38% 952x 1,137 346 19 5 1 4 1.1x 3y
49 S US PeachBleach 29.38 98.35% 1,059x 1,067 405 36 1 0 3 1.1x 3y
50 S CA KoolAids 29.30 98.31% 951x 1,094 390 20 1 1 6 1.1x 3y