I'm For You

Created by: Enthalpy
Submitted: about 3 years ago
Ranked: over 2 years ago
Source: n/a
marathon jacks electronic instrumental english featured artist fa dark Drum and bass drum & bass dnb drum 'n' bass collab carapucho anas- singed basado idontunderstood llanasll Evolution Chamber Rustam Mansurov Рустам Мансуров Rusty K James Peacock James Overtech
BPM: 174
Length: 4:58
Passes/Fails: 1976 / 2258
Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 SS TH Palkzu 39.49 99.22% 2,415x 2,875 654 27 3 0 3 1.5x 2y
2 SS RO lifill 39.18 99.09% 2,499x 2,933 589 32 3 2 3 1.5x, Mirror 3y
3 S US OwOMythical 36.52 98.77% 1,196x 2,669 836 47 3 0 7 1.4x 3y
4 S US ERA Puzzle 35.87 98.47% 1,156x 2,884 604 53 9 1 11 1.4x 2y
5 S DE Stormfighter 35.35 98.23% 1,998x 2,729 764 45 9 9 6 1.4x 1y
6 S US soapywater 35.25 98.75% 1,264x 2,733 770 49 2 1 7 1.35x 10mo
7 SS AU HDAdreN 34.09 99.78% 3,562x 3,223 333 6 0 0 0 1.2x 3y
8 S GB ilovebloons 32.98 97.11% 951x 2,710 723 81 18 7 23 1.4x 2y
9 S XX Fre3d 32.27 98.87% 1,178x 2,845 674 27 8 2 6 1.2x 3y
10 S AR laucha02 32.08 96.66% 579x 2,459 940 111 23 6 23 1.4x 2y
11 S KR Kirisame Marisa 32.07 97.62% 871x 2,554 903 74 9 7 15 1.3x 3y
12 S GB BlakeBelladonna 31.89 98.68% 1,246x 2,539 973 38 3 2 7 1.2x 1y
13 S US jez 31.89 98.11% 1,231x 2,645 832 64 5 5 11 1.25x 3y
14 S PL Dexu 31.89 97.53% 1,150x 2,364 1,068 102 13 3 12 1.3x 3y
15 S CA Bigsun 31.64 98.55% 1,005x 2,646 839 61 11 0 5 1.2x 2y
16 SS MX El Bopivo 31.42 99.22% 1,246x 2,859 670 29 0 0 4 Mirror, 1.15x 2y
17 S GB Lepus4 31.40 98.42% 2,320x 2,628 859 59 6 2 8 1.2x 1y
18 S US Galactic Fox 30.59 97.99% 1,003x 2,603 862 74 6 1 16 1.2x 2y
19 S NO zleov 30.57 97.98% 1,460x 2,373 1,082 92 5 4 6 1.2x 2y
20 S US heracat 30.49 97.38% 2,222x 2,283 1,120 135 14 2 8 1.25x 6mo
21 S BR Cxld 30.48 97.93% 925x 2,652 805 78 11 0 16 1.2x 2y
22 S ES TheBigBilly 30.45 97.92% 790x 2,601 848 91 8 1 13 1.2x 2y
23 SS US the soup fella 30.20 99.32% 2,345x 2,866 664 30 1 0 1 1.1x 2y
24 S ES Jositocrack11 29.92 98.41% 1,139x 2,724 772 48 3 3 12 1.15x 3y
25 S EC DeluxePlayer 29.84 96.45% 514x 2,279 1,093 142 22 4 22 1.3x 3y
26 S US itsjusttime 29.76 97.54% 1,606x 2,492 946 99 7 8 10 1.2x 2mo
27 S US D1SC0NNXCT 29.74 98.31% 1,166x 2,516 955 81 2 3 5 1.15x 2y
28 S FR Borealiss 29.71 97.52% 1,091x 2,552 864 116 17 1 12 1.2x 2y
29 S RU glamourbird 29.46 98.90% 2,918x 2,595 912 49 4 0 2 1.1x 2y
30 S TH LavaLambz 29.39 97.34% 1,234x 2,304 1,087 147 17 2 5 1.2x 2y
31 S MX SirHortense 29.30 98.07% 2,906x 2,474 962 115 7 1 3 1.15x 2y
32 S US Reshiram5304 28.98 95.98% 896x 2,161 1,158 198 22 5 18 1.3x 2y
33 S RU Natsuko 28.91 98.59% 1,827x 2,504 989 60 3 1 5 1.1x 2y
34 S DK SpamL 28.88 97.06% 921x 2,334 1,044 152 21 2 9 1.2x 3y
35 S BR PearI 28.86 97.05% 1,337x 2,167 1,209 164 10 2 10 1.2x 3y
36 S US IIChaoticx 28.83 98.55% 1,326x 2,454 1,026 78 0 1 3 1.1x, Mirror 2y
37 S CN Shaller 28.83 98.55% 1,506x 2,493 986 73 8 0 2 1.1x 3y
38 S KR GreenScreen410 28.54 95.74% 511x 2,222 1,105 172 33 5 25 1.3x 2y
39 S ZA chaoticspree 28.53 97.63% 1,459x 2,372 1,036 134 15 1 4 1.15x 2y
40 S FR A6sT 28.50 97.62% 1,034x 2,468 971 91 16 0 16 1.15x 3y
41 S UY iKyzher 28.45 98.33% 2,274x 2,416 1,044 95 4 1 2 1.1x 2y
42 S US Cycreo 28.31 96.74% 1,218x 2,150 1,192 193 19 3 5 1.2x 2y
43 S RU VlaDICK 28.26 98.22% 1,198x 2,503 957 88 7 0 7 1.1x 1y
44 S US KGB Official 27.97 98.05% 1,388x 2,339 1,110 98 9 0 6 1.1x 3y
45 SS HK Puniru 27.59 99.96% 3,562x 3,480 82 0 0 0 0 None 1y
46 S RO ToniAnt 27.52 97.05% 1,096x 2,394 1,008 123 18 5 14 1.15x 3y
47 S US Pythric 27.47 96.25% 814x 2,333 1,022 149 34 4 20 1.2x 3y
48 S CL SebasS 27.42 96.22% 518x 2,257 1,106 144 25 2 28 1.2x 3y
49 S PE Xotio 27.42 98.71% 2,826x 2,597 906 50 3 3 3 1.05x 3y
50 S CA Aquaboum 27.38 97.71% 2,506x 2,421 997 125 12 2 5 1.1x 2y