Creepy Nuts

Created by: Ainer
Submitted: almost 2 years ago
Ranked: over 1 year ago
Source: よふかしのうた
堕天 yofukashi no uta call of the night japanese pop hip hop rap j-pop wolfNAV DraterTD Jawbraiker Linlime Angki
BPM: 200
Length: 2:48
Passes/Fails: 1466 / 1760


4K Normal by @Angki
4K Hard by @Linlime
7K Easy by @DraterTD
7K Hard by @wolfNAV

daten deez nuts

Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 SS US 6y0VFH4I3hIHffX 40.47 99.77% 1,808x 1,605 201 2 0 0 0 2.0x 2y
2 SS GB xyphla 39.39 99.32% 904x 1,445 351 9 2 0 1 2.0x 1y
3 S CR JVRed 37.79 98.64% 1,808x 1,243 523 40 2 0 0 2.0x 4mo
4 S CA Albert 37.74 98.61% 1,050x 1,318 451 34 3 0 2 2.0x 1y
5 S RU PhobosX 37.41 98.47% 1,077x 1,389 379 33 2 1 4 2.0x 1y
6 S PH OyomePuncher 37.06 98.31% 1,086x 1,239 525 38 2 1 3 2.0x 1y
7 S KR HSH000 36.98 98.28% 864x 1,184 576 43 2 0 3 2.0x 2y
8 S MY Chromata 35.83 97.77% 911x 1,257 494 45 4 2 6 2.0x 1y
9 S NO Bizarrely 35.76 97.73% 682x 1,255 496 46 3 4 4 2.0x 1y
10 S DE ATP Fronty 35.69 97.70% 655x 1,282 469 46 1 3 7 2.0x 7mo
11 S KR HoneyGyu 35.12 97.44% 1,413x 1,239 488 68 8 1 4 2.0x 2y
12 S CN aLkaNaruse 34.21 97.01% 483x 1,099 611 86 7 1 4 2.0x 3mo
13 S US wolfNAV 34.14 96.98% 949x 1,119 600 76 4 2 7 2.0x 9mo
14 S GR Fevrius 33.52 96.68% 882x 1,143 566 83 6 3 7 2.0x 8mo
15 S US Skiyye 32.57 98.15% 850x 1,346 419 29 8 2 4 1.75x 1y
16 S KR TC I CCJOHN2019 31.60 95.74% 303x 1,146 552 81 10 6 13 2.0x 2y
17 S US Inixia 31.38 95.63% 668x 1,089 594 99 12 8 6 2.0x 1y
18 S VN c86 30.82 96.74% 1,808x 928 754 122 4 0 0 1.8x 1y
19 S KR Mikimari 30.72 95.29% 948x 998 626 167 13 0 4 2.0x 1y
20 S FR Electr0o 29.67 97.67% 846x 1,183 556 59 5 1 4 1.65x 1y
21 S EC TWulfZ 29.25 95.47% 603x 1,120 555 104 13 4 12 Mirror, 1.85x 1y
22 S CZ MinatoNamikazeC 29.15 96.90% 849x 1,122 582 91 8 1 4 1.7x 1y
23 S ES not a pro 29.01 97.31% 578x 1,184 547 61 9 1 6 1.65x 2y
24 S DE capacitd 28.86 96.74% 920x 1,140 566 83 12 1 6 1.7x 1y
25 S DE BoostedGear 28.70 96.65% 741x 1,128 575 88 9 2 6 1.7x 8mo
26 S US soapywater 27.85 97.34% 506x 1,295 445 53 3 3 9 1.6x 9mo
27 S PE dsdasdas 26.99 98.16% 861x 1,278 480 42 3 1 4 1.5x 1y
28 S US ERA Akiri 26.95 96.81% 850x 1,201 509 78 12 1 7 1.6x 1y
29 S US ugu1su 26.24 96.38% 372x 1,201 522 53 15 2 15 1.6x 3mo
30 S US xiiopao 26.21 97.67% 801x 1,224 501 78 2 0 3 1.5x 8mo
31 S US mance 26.16 96.33% 536x 1,076 617 96 10 2 7 1.6x 1y
32 S GB Zoobin4 25.92 97.50% 542x 1,355 386 50 6 0 11 1.5x 2mo
33 S SE akrylpryl 25.87 96.15% 818x 1,094 584 109 15 2 4 1.6x 2y
34 A US AmverialQ 25.78 94.94% 499x 1,081 599 93 10 7 18 1.7x 7mo
35 A ES Jositocrack11 25.78 94.94% 331x 1,105 568 96 18 6 15 1.7x 2y
36 S AR Scaro 25.75 97.39% 899x 1,176 562 54 8 1 7 1.5x 1y
37 S CN Shaller 25.66 97.33% 606x 1,212 520 62 6 2 6 1.5x 8mo
38 S ID Themis 24.73 96.73% 638x 1,162 538 89 14 1 4 1.5x 4mo
39 A CA Man Is Dead 24.71 91.89% 311x 915 623 219 26 4 21 2.0x 11d
40 S CL Ryu 24.66 98.25% 1,808x 1,109 649 46 3 1 0 1.4x 10mo
41 S JP detteiuu 24.28 96.44% 411x 1,201 502 81 13 2 9 1.5x 1y
42 A PE Rounstad 24.12 92.07% 343x 912 646 195 29 6 20 1.9x 2y
43 S PE nikko07 24.09 95.34% 1,022x 1,036 630 119 8 6 9 Mirror, 1.55x 1y
44 A FI Huukkeli 24.04 94.98% 360x 1,172 508 86 17 3 22 1.6x 2mo
45 S GB marksie 24.03 96.27% 800x 1,226 492 63 9 6 12 1.5x 24d
46 S KR Squeaky 23.98 97.79% 845x 1,319 431 46 3 1 8 1.4x 1y
47 S KR TC I GANI 23.83 96.14% 398x 1,221 492 65 12 5 13 1.5x 1y
48 A IL soap 23.50 94.62% 659x 943 668 168 23 1 5 1.6x 1y
49 S US Redd 23.21 95.71% 700x 1,155 542 75 21 7 8 1.5x 9mo
50 S SE KoinPlr 23.15 95.68% 533x 1,122 554 100 20 1 11 1.5x 1mo