Attack of the Killer Beast (Phonk) (Cut Ver.)

Created by: Skrubble
Submitted: over 1 year ago
Ranked: 11 months ago
Source: n/a
phonk, hip hop, memphis rap, mr beast, deltarune, attack of the killer queen, chordjack, jumpstream, sv, handstream, technical, jacks, collab, skrubble, jindax, subtir, dommymommy asmr, zumo, xumo, kissu, entauri, cuckson, alyca, gira, giraffey, xylezia, mrbossington, kaiserjared, txbi, kloi34, ranking queue, arabypac, pepega clap, play qpvm, mental 727, amogu, cape pap leg, fullest 7k, 6y0vfh4i3hihffx, yahweh, skibble, o2jam, bms, KGB offical, KGB, SVkona, cementchewer33
BPM: 147.4
Length: 0:45
Passes/Fails: 20 / 144
Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 B CN cccc 18.13 89.80% 274x 429 210 72 15 12 8 1.2x 5mo
2 A US svKona 18.09 92.69% 138x 474 207 39 7 7 12 None 1y
3 B TH LavaLambz 5.19 81.48% 144x 270 267 140 36 16 17 0.75x 1y