Attack of the Killer Beast (Phonk) (Cut Ver.)

Created by: Skrubble
Submitted: over 1 year ago
Ranked: 11 months ago
Source: n/a
phonk, hip hop, memphis rap, mr beast, deltarune, attack of the killer queen, chordjack, jumpstream, sv, handstream, technical, jacks, collab, skrubble, jindax, subtir, dommymommy asmr, zumo, xumo, kissu, entauri, cuckson, alyca, gira, giraffey, xylezia, mrbossington, kaiserjared, txbi, kloi34, ranking queue, arabypac, pepega clap, play qpvm, mental 727, amogu, cape pap leg, fullest 7k, 6y0vfh4i3hihffx, yahweh, skibble, o2jam, bms, KGB offical, KGB, SVkona, cementchewer33
BPM: 147.4
Length: 0:45
Passes/Fails: 477 / 3694
Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 S XX Fre3d 25.86 96.33% 589x 361 196 27 1 4 0 1.3x 1mo
2 S US KGB Official 25.17 97.86% 589x 407 161 18 2 1 0 1.15x 1y
3 S TW plummyyummy 24.41 97.36% 589x 350 206 32 1 0 0 1.15x 1y
4 A ES Pedralex 21.09 93.11% 589x 264 237 77 10 1 0 1.3x 1y
5 A PH noduu 19.30 92.86% 527x 280 222 79 4 3 1 1.2x 8mo
6 A US tylersfoot 17.19 94.45% 589x 309 211 60 8 1 0 Mirror 7mo
7 A TH LavaLambz 13.94 91.20% 589x 276 204 90 17 2 0 None 6mo
8 A MX OmarBuso 13.53 90.76% 250x 290 183 95 18 0 3 None 3mo
9 A GB ExoIolite 13.33 90.53% 539x 255 220 92 19 2 1 None 8mo
10 A US ph03n1x 12.89 90.02% 457x 213 253 106 13 3 1 None 10mo
11 B RO Qweet25 11.50 88.33% 272x 232 218 114 18 2 5 None 1y
12 B RU Jack932 10.18 86.55% 306x 215 238 103 18 6 9 None 1y
13 B US melon200 9.56 85.64% 284x 238 198 111 31 5 6 None 10mo
14 B AU Aloe Vera 9.45 85.49% 263x 254 185 115 18 6 11 None 2mo
15 B PH Jumpersgofnf 8.22 83.52% 175x 215 212 106 41 6 9 None 9mo
16 B FR A6sT 7.82 82.83% 425x 219 192 133 27 8 10 None 5mo
17 B TH Kentakung66 6.47 80.26% 331x 183 209 136 40 7 14 None 1y
18 C FI ssolle 1.21 72.14% 79x 166 185 151 44 21 22 0.6x 8mo