Attack of the Killer Beast (Phonk) (Cut Ver.)

Created by: Skrubble
Submitted: over 1 year ago
Ranked: 11 months ago
Source: n/a
phonk, hip hop, memphis rap, mr beast, deltarune, attack of the killer queen, chordjack, jumpstream, sv, handstream, technical, jacks, collab, skrubble, jindax, subtir, dommymommy asmr, zumo, xumo, kissu, entauri, cuckson, alyca, gira, giraffey, xylezia, mrbossington, kaiserjared, txbi, kloi34, ranking queue, arabypac, pepega clap, play qpvm, mental 727, amogu, cape pap leg, fullest 7k, 6y0vfh4i3hihffx, yahweh, skibble, o2jam, bms, KGB offical, KGB, SVkona, cementchewer33
BPM: 147.4
Length: 0:45
Passes/Fails: 8899 / 2674
Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 SS US Zim 32.32 99.97% 409x 401 8 0 0 0 0 2.0x 10mo
2 SS CN Natro 32.19 99.90% 409x 385 24 0 0 0 0 2.0x 4mo
3 SS GB Kratikan 32.14 99.87% 409x 379 30 0 0 0 0 2.0x 8mo
4 SS US Cataclysmic 31.98 99.79% 409x 360 49 0 0 0 0 2.0x 8mo
5 SS CN XSUB 31.97 99.78% 409x 358 51 0 0 0 0 2.0x 8mo
6 SS US Alyca 31.92 99.76% 409x 352 57 0 0 0 0 2.0x, Mirror 1y
7 SS ES oddish 31.90 99.75% 409x 350 59 0 0 0 0 2.0x 2mo
8 SS SV SirBeatsALot 31.85 99.72% 409x 363 45 1 0 0 0 2.0x 1mo
9 SS ID cxrrupted 31.83 99.71% 409x 360 48 1 0 0 0 2.0x 7mo
10 SS US skydlol 31.74 99.67% 409x 350 58 1 0 0 0 2.0x 2mo
11 SS DK JustEmilo 31.67 99.63% 409x 322 87 0 0 0 0 2.0x 1y
12 SS RU TweekFan 31.65 99.61% 409x 357 50 2 0 0 0 2.0x 1y
13 SS US MasterSwl 31.59 99.58% 409x 331 77 1 0 0 0 2.0x 1y
14 SS SG Phoony 31.44 99.51% 409x 332 75 2 0 0 0 2.0x 7mo
15 SS FR Xeronid 31.29 99.43% 409x 332 74 3 0 0 0 2.0x 13d
16 SS ES Pedralex 31.27 99.42% 409x 330 76 3 0 0 0 2.0x 1y
17 SS PR FoxyGaming398 31.18 99.37% 409x 319 87 3 0 0 0 2.0x 6mo
18 SS PE Reily445 31.14 99.35% 409x 333 72 4 0 0 0 2.0x 1mo
19 SS US MyAngelPhanter 31.14 99.35% 409x 294 113 2 0 0 0 2.0x 20d
20 SS US bakatron9000 31.13 99.34% 409x 373 31 4 1 0 0 2.0x, Mirror 5mo
21 SS XX Fre3d 31.10 99.33% 409x 309 97 3 0 0 0 2.0x 1y
22 SS FR Borealiss 31.09 99.32% 409x 326 79 4 0 0 0 2.0x 8mo
23 SS BR Sy4n0 31.02 99.28% 409x 321 85 2 1 0 0 2.0x 8mo
24 SS CA Novicube 30.79 99.38% 409x 302 105 2 0 0 0 1.9x 7mo
25 SS AT amounyt64 30.78 99.15% 366x 334 72 2 0 0 1 2.0x 5mo
26 SS TH LavaLambz 30.76 99.14% 409x 285 120 4 0 0 0 2.0x 1y
27 SS US Exyen 30.70 99.11% 409x 315 88 6 0 0 0 2.0x 10mo
28 SS ES icc1976 30.63 99.07% 409x 329 74 5 1 0 0 2.0x 9mo
29 SS AU pork baby 30.57 99.04% 409x 307 98 2 2 0 0 2.0x, Mirror 10mo
30 SS GB WetSockSorcerer 30.54 99.03% 324x 304 102 2 0 0 1 2.0x 1y
31 SS DZ Jindax 30.53 99.02% 318x 303 103 2 0 0 1 2.0x, Mirror 1y
32 SS US Speedy0248 30.50 99.00% 270x 337 67 4 0 0 1 2.0x, Mirror 22d
33 S FI joksulainen 30.48 98.99% 409x 306 101 1 0 1 0 2.0x 3mo
34 S PL maniEk203829134 30.43 98.96% 409x 281 122 6 0 0 0 2.0x 10mo
35 S BR Thiagogr5 30.39 98.94% 409x 276 127 6 0 0 0 2.0x 10mo
36 SS TW Xavy 30.32 99.12% 409x 318 85 6 0 0 0 1.9x 2mo
37 S US ARG Marsky 30.12 98.80% 301x 330 73 4 1 0 1 2.0x 2mo
38 S US Mkdasher64 30.03 98.75% 409x 269 132 8 0 0 0 2.0x 9mo
39 S CL Dav4d 30.03 98.75% 409x 269 132 8 0 0 0 2.0x 7mo
40 S GB ARG Aether 29.90 98.68% 270x 318 83 7 0 0 1 2.0x 7mo
41 S US TestiTickler 29.87 98.66% 380x 299 104 4 1 0 1 2.0x 1mo
42 S GB TheCardUser 29.81 98.63% 243x 287 115 6 0 0 1 2.0x 9mo
43 S ID AtlasJr 29.80 98.62% 378x 304 97 7 0 0 1 2.0x 9mo
44 S US hripmster 29.74 98.59% 289x 305 99 3 0 0 2 2.0x 7mo
45 S PL nokebabpls 29.72 98.79% 409x 279 122 8 0 0 0 1.9x 7mo
46 S BE DemonMania 29.71 98.79% 402x 325 77 6 0 0 1 1.9x, Mirror 10mo
47 S CA Man Is Dead 29.63 98.53% 293x 264 138 6 0 0 1 2.0x 10mo
48 SS RU Kweerit 29.60 99.32% 409x 331 75 2 1 0 0 1.85x 4mo
49 S US melon200 29.55 98.48% 366x 291 109 8 0 0 1 2.0x 6mo
50 S FR A6sT 29.43 98.42% 354x 276 124 8 0 0 1 2.0x 10mo