Attack of the Killer Beast (Phonk) (Cut Ver.)

Created by: Skrubble
Submitted: over 1 year ago
Ranked: 11 months ago
Source: n/a
phonk, hip hop, memphis rap, mr beast, deltarune, attack of the killer queen, chordjack, jumpstream, sv, handstream, technical, jacks, collab, skrubble, jindax, subtir, dommymommy asmr, zumo, xumo, kissu, entauri, cuckson, alyca, gira, giraffey, xylezia, mrbossington, kaiserjared, txbi, kloi34, ranking queue, arabypac, pepega clap, play qpvm, mental 727, amogu, cape pap leg, fullest 7k, 6y0vfh4i3hihffx, yahweh, skibble, o2jam, bms, KGB offical, KGB, SVkona, cementchewer33
BPM: 147.4
Length: 0:45
Passes/Fails: 25 / 189
Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 S US 6y0VFH4I3hIHffX 36.23 95.19% 220x 769 334 55 5 2 16 None 8mo
2 A AT Fabi03 35.02 94.65% 307x 846 250 56 7 2 20 None 9d
3 S ES Jositocrack11 34.24 97.98% 336x 896 253 24 2 1 5 0.7x 5mo
4 S KR TC I CCJOHN2019 34.10 95.14% 266x 870 241 39 12 4 15 0.9x 3mo
5 S US Zangoose 34.09 96.25% 296x 775 332 62 3 2 7 0.8x 4d
6 S US yahweh 32.13 98.08% 968x 748 391 41 0 0 1 0.65x 10mo
7 S DE Frontyy 30.61 95.28% 294x 871 240 46 4 5 15 0.75x 9mo
8 S CL Manco12345 30.32 97.14% 1,181x 742 374 60 3 2 0 0.65x 1mo
9 A GB WetSockSorcerer 26.51 94.99% 438x 671 415 72 11 1 11 0.65x 20d
10 A US wolfnav 25.26 94.23% 534x 698 379 78 11 7 8 0.65x 8mo
11 A PL Sayobatsu 24.49 93.74% 308x 580 492 83 7 5 14 0.65x 10mo
12 S AU IntryEg 23.74 98.46% 713x 955 201 19 2 1 3 0.5x, Mirror 8mo
13 A LV LargeWillyMan 22.21 90.32% 212x 649 361 118 21 6 26 0.75x 8mo
14 A US KineticNotes 19.23 94.91% 399x 630 452 80 7 2 10 0.5x 7mo
15 A FI Huukkeli 17.73 90.01% 224x 643 390 89 18 10 31 0.6x 9mo