Hatsuki Yura

Created by: Fullest
Submitted: about 4 years ago
Ranked: almost 4 years ago
Source: Eclipse Parade
輝夜姫, はつき ゆら, 葉月 ゆら, SEFU-007, SeifuuMeigetsu, Rock, J-Core, Minijacks, LN, Jumpstream
BPM: 154
Length: 4:20
Passes/Fails: 1354 / 2552

STATUS: Ranked!

Started this map on Osu, but finishing it on Quaver.

The goal with this map was to push difficulty in my map-making to a level beyond my actual play ability, but without making the map stupidly difficult. This was my hardest map created so far when I finished.

Sqwid's map in SM is my primary inspiration for picking this song to map against.


  • 2020-07-21 - Kaguyahime's 1st draft is finally done!
  • 2020-07-22 - Some minor changes and fixed unsnapped notes throughout the chart
  • 2020-08-11 - Cleaned up some things and submitted for ranked!
  • 2020-10-29 - Some adjustments from RS recommendations
  • 2020-10-30 - Some further adjustments, especially in the LN section
Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 S CN Natro 38.54 98.86% 1,594x 3,179 731 41 5 2 7 1.5x, Mirror 1mo
2 S US Banii 38.33 98.77% 1,424x 3,184 712 57 4 3 5 1.5x 3y
3 SS SG Xvenn70 38.28 99.05% 2,919x 3,442 453 64 2 0 4 1.45x 1y
4 S TH MyLittleSodium 37.29 98.32% 1,039x 3,088 781 76 6 2 12 1.5x 3y
5 S US 6y0VFH4I3hIHffX 36.54 97.98% 1,504x 3,128 727 82 6 2 20 1.5x 4y
6 S BR BOLINHA 36.23 98.55% 2,115x 3,071 823 56 0 2 13 1.4x 1y
7 S HK ATP Koshepen 35.17 97.36% 555x 3,010 808 106 14 5 22 1.5x 3y
8 S US TheMightySlayer 34.58 97.09% 558x 2,680 1,135 107 9 1 33 1.5x 3y
9 S US RockyAdrian 34.42 98.59% 2,894x 2,981 901 70 6 1 6 1.3x 3y
10 S US NyGuito 34.26 98.51% 1,551x 3,054 842 47 9 3 10 1.3x 6mo
11 S KR 4kplayer 34.25 97.63% 1,256x 2,848 971 122 7 7 10 1.4x 4y
12 S CA KoolAids 34.10 98.44% 2,033x 3,104 782 55 10 1 13 1.3x 4mo
13 S XX Tlharrisonv 33.84 97.43% 1,870x 2,834 986 115 7 9 14 1.4x 1y
14 S US ERA Puzzle 33.66 96.95% 508x 3,092 716 106 14 11 26 1.45x 1y
15 S US beetza 33.50 97.27% 1,049x 2,834 970 124 13 4 20 1.4x 3y
16 S TH nore 33.27 98.03% 2,347x 2,761 1,098 77 17 2 10 1.3x 4y
17 S KR Kent 33.10 97.08% 2,556x 2,607 1,154 175 14 3 12 1.4x 4y
18 S MY Curt 33.03 97.92% 975x 2,872 982 82 13 6 10 1.3x 4y
19 S LT Aiya 32.76 98.26% 807x 3,114 777 46 5 2 21 1.25x 7mo
20 S CL Jeanne Da Rin 32.74 97.35% 923x 2,465 1,362 103 13 5 17 1.35x 3y
21 S KR Dell 32.54 97.68% 1,882x 2,737 1,087 114 15 8 4 1.3x 4y
22 S KR CenTiNal 32.35 98.06% 1,353x 2,797 1,050 97 9 0 12 1.25x 6mo
23 S CL rhyzt 32.29 96.67% 865x 2,281 1,483 164 14 7 16 1.4x 3y
24 S NI Kaxio 32.20 97.50% 868x 2,836 1,007 86 9 8 19 1.3x 10mo
25 S TH NoSleePz 32.07 97.01% 927x 2,885 909 126 14 3 28 Mirror, 1.35x 3y
26 S KH chhayuchiha1234 31.97 97.86% 1,885x 2,576 1,275 92 9 8 5 1.25x 6mo
27 S UA SpookyKraken 31.96 97.38% 910x 2,796 999 132 25 4 9 1.3x 2y
28 S US Bizxare 31.89 97.35% 1,017x 2,640 1,166 125 14 1 19 1.3x 3y
29 S TR 0nebreath 31.80 96.43% 912x 2,447 1,324 138 20 2 34 1.4x 2y
30 S KR Kneon 31.80 98.42% 900x 2,832 1,050 67 6 3 7 1.2x 2y
31 S KR Kirisame Marisa 31.76 98.39% 1,682x 2,807 1,071 72 5 2 8 1.2x 3y
32 S RU Dengeregor 31.74 98.38% 1,596x 2,873 1,007 70 4 5 6 1.2x 2y
33 S ES KJKShiro 31.74 98.38% 1,211x 2,587 1,299 67 2 3 7 1.2x 3y
34 S RO lifill 31.68 95.68% 750x 2,761 945 186 31 7 35 1.5x 3y
35 S VN pom 31.38 98.20% 2,512x 2,967 889 90 8 4 7 1.2x 3y
36 S DE spacegaming 31.31 98.16% 3,058x 2,987 862 96 9 2 9 1.2x 3y
37 S US BOBA Tempy 31.07 96.06% 840x 2,611 1,092 197 41 3 21 1.4x 4y
38 S BR rinaaltoscapa 30.64 97.80% 1,466x 2,806 1,024 109 12 2 12 1.2x 3y
39 S HK ManiaCat 30.62 97.80% 1,461x 2,993 870 64 11 2 25 1.2x 7mo
40 S US VeggieBurger53 30.60 98.37% 1,504x 2,948 924 76 5 0 12 1.15x 3y
41 S RU im not imposrer 30.60 97.78% 1,477x 2,677 1,163 93 18 1 13 1.2x 3y
42 S US gaming 30.50 97.73% 1,677x 2,411 1,422 109 12 3 8 1.2x 4y
43 S KR chu myeong jong 30.39 97.68% 2,635x 2,935 876 126 15 4 9 1.2x 3y
44 S CL Kiroo 30.29 95.65% 507x 2,486 1,236 173 25 8 37 1.4x 3y
45 S FR Limbecile 30.25 97.59% 626x 2,915 915 101 10 1 23 1.2x 4y
46 S AU HDAdreN 30.16 95.58% 703x 2,906 855 119 18 9 58 1.4x 2y
47 S US sszx 29.85 96.28% 675x 2,488 1,290 128 17 9 33 1.3x 3y
48 S XX AST blowit 29.83 98.67% 1,116x 3,190 716 39 6 2 12 1.1x 5mo
49 S US A1ch3mist 29.80 98.66% 2,514x 2,844 1,056 52 4 0 9 1.1x 1y
50 S CN WilliamQiufeng 29.77 98.64% 1,062x 3,285 612 45 10 1 12 1.1x 3y