Created by: Pepega Clap
Submitted: about 4 years ago
Ranked: over 3 years ago
Hardcore, Drumstep, J-core, Synth, sv
BPM: 170
Length: 2:07
Passes/Fails: 12935 / 57446

The Pepega SV Series

What is this series about?

The goal of this series is to introduce more SV maps into Quaver that are fun to play. We need more good SV maps in general, especially ones for 7k. That is why I map both 4k and 7k difficulties for each song.

I hope that you enjoy these maps

1.) nitro - [line:δ][uksrt:vip]
2.) Leroy Anderson - The Typewriter
3.) Arctures vs DJ KEmoNOiZE - diSTractiOn PoInT
4.) Helvian - Mii Channel (Abridged)
5.) Frums (unknown "lambda") - 19ZZ
6.) Hayakore Tatsumi - TatsumiyaTEK #05


Discovered this banger of a song through FMS_Cat's amazing NotITG chart on youtube:

Thank you Spartan for giving feedback on the SVs. I really appreciate it.

Stole an sv concept from:

Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 S DK SpamL 28.34 96.88% 1,129x 690 361 74 4 0 0 1.8x 1y
2 S FI PianoLuigi 27.37 97.13% 982x 699 372 51 4 1 2 1.7x 4y
3 S US iCandy 26.40 97.60% 850x 804 287 28 5 2 3 1.6x 3y
4 S US KGB Official 26.25 97.51% 979x 695 388 38 6 1 1 1.6x 2y
5 S US TC I Nanahira 24.91 95.62% 461x 667 370 77 10 2 3 1.7x 2y
6 S CA Giraffey 24.17 96.18% 1,129x 650 384 87 8 0 0 1.6x 1mo
7 S KR PIPP9 24.02 97.16% 678x 685 379 62 1 0 2 1.5x 8mo
8 S US ASharpp 24.01 97.15% 757x 759 309 53 5 0 3 1.5x 3y
9 S UA Swich2332 23.89 98.35% 1,129x 795 298 34 2 0 0 1.4x 1y
10 S PL Eclipse 23.82 95.94% 555x 689 371 53 7 4 5 1.6x 3y
11 S AU FAPH 23.77 97.59% 1,122x 758 317 49 4 0 1 1.45x 1y
12 S KR gyeom0915 23.13 96.55% 541x 696 360 64 5 1 3 1.5x 3y
13 S US tylersfoot 22.92 98.35% 1,129x 778 316 33 2 0 0 Mirror, 1.35x 2y
14 A VN Lott 22.75 93.90% 658x 618 385 101 17 4 4 1.75x 3y
15 SS US ERA Zenith 22.61 99.03% 1,129x 908 201 19 1 0 0 1.3x 3y
16 S RU MORGENSHTERN 22.61 96.18% 768x 692 356 69 7 0 5 1.5x 3y
17 A US kusa 22.54 94.04% 566x 615 391 102 11 3 7 1.7x 4y
18 S US Skiyye 22.54 97.40% 1,097x 760 322 37 7 2 1 1.4x 3y
19 S US svKona 22.52 97.39% 549x 750 327 45 4 1 2 1.4x 3y
20 S AT ElectroBeaty 21.84 96.22% 824x 781 275 56 11 2 4 1.45x 3y
21 S US melon200 21.64 95.48% 627x 681 362 62 18 1 5 1.5x 1y
22 S US JaceyPlayz 21.39 95.29% 861x 725 305 78 16 2 3 1.5x 2y
23 SS KR nosrepa 21.38 99.04% 1,129x 843 271 13 2 0 0 1.25x 3y
24 S KR GooGooCon 21.34 96.52% 674x 791 289 30 9 4 6 1.4x 3y
25 A MX Sircachetes 20.99 95.00% 558x 663 363 86 10 4 3 1.5x 7mo
26 S PH xkabuto 20.93 96.20% 714x 694 349 75 8 0 3 1.4x 6mo
27 A US Banjo 20.84 94.31% 905x 618 402 85 14 4 6 1.55x 3y
28 S AU yuuko1 20.80 97.67% 1,129x 770 306 50 2 1 0 1.3x 1y
29 A DE Hekireki 20.79 92.79% 463x 584 403 114 14 6 8 1.7x 1y
30 S US AK3268 20.07 95.54% 627x 760 288 61 10 3 7 1.4x 3y
31 S AT ChiMarky 19.96 95.45% 965x 667 370 74 12 2 4 1.4x 3y
32 S SE ParkerPyrope 19.94 98.91% 666x 962 152 11 1 1 2 1.2x 5mo
33 S US Galactic Fox 19.74 97.73% 664x 821 259 43 4 0 2 1.25x 4y
34 A ES Pedralex 19.54 93.87% 654x 681 336 81 18 4 9 1.5x 8mo
35 A CL SrTuKiii 19.50 93.84% 663x 592 408 104 18 4 3 1.5x 1y
36 A NO ThePrestigious 19.45 93.80% 1,129x 579 394 141 13 2 0 1.5x 3y
37 A PT Vschur 19.42 93.77% 411x 545 451 114 10 3 6 1.5x 3y
38 S CN WilliamQiufeng 19.30 98.38% 1,129x 816 278 32 3 0 0 1.2x 3y
39 A US Kaisuko 19.25 94.87% 930x 647 379 80 17 3 3 1.4x 3y
40 S AU Aloe Vera 19.16 97.25% 1,126x 703 372 50 0 2 2 1.25x 11d
41 A US entauri 19.13 94.78% 1,008x 715 330 57 13 5 9 1.4x 3y
42 S RO Qweet25 19.10 98.21% 1,129x 764 327 35 3 0 0 1.2x 2y
43 A US HJPboss 19.06 94.72% 1,124x 612 413 79 19 3 3 1.4x 3y
44 S US morshdawg 18.97 98.09% 1,091x 779 312 33 4 0 1 1.2x 3y
45 A ES Jositocrack11 18.90 94.58% 597x 655 363 88 16 3 4 1.4x 2y
46 A GB ATP Drag0n 18.48 93.58% 472x 684 318 94 22 2 9 1.45x 9mo
47 S US Everiz 18.39 97.59% 979x 757 318 49 4 0 1 1.2x 4y
48 A DO StrangeMan600 18.37 94.14% 484x 649 363 91 16 2 8 1.4x 1y
49 S FR Pyreau 18.28 96.49% 504x 711 341 69 4 1 3 1.25x 7mo
50 A US soapywater 18.12 93.92% 632x 738 294 62 19 7 9 1.4x 7mo