
Created by: Reazy Fluff
Submitted: over 2 years ago
Ranked: over 2 years ago
Source: BOF2013
Dance/Electronic, LN, Inverse, FRENZ 2013, BMS, CHUNITHM VARIETY SOUNDTRACK, Groove Coaster, Protogen, The BMS of Fighters 2013
BPM: 146
Length: 2:11
Passes/Fails: 1498 / 4977
Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 S KR SuddenDeath 33.23 98.75% 1,872x 1,334 497 40 1 0 0 2.0x 1y
2 S US Reshiram 32.85 98.56% 1,872x 1,356 462 54 0 0 0 2.0x 2y
3 S CL Jeanne Da Rin 32.68 98.47% 1,872x 1,213 609 49 1 0 0 2.0x 2y
4 S CL Kyouyama Kazusa 31.63 97.94% 810x 1,282 520 65 1 0 4 2.0x, Mirror 1y
5 S PH Phanter 30.58 97.39% 1,154x 1,184 597 82 5 0 4 2.0x 2y
6 S TR MeinerTK 28.62 96.32% 772x 1,080 657 121 8 0 6 2.0x 2y
7 S DE Hekirekigami 28.36 96.17% 598x 1,102 646 106 7 3 8 2.0x 6mo
8 S HK ATP Coshuphen 28.24 97.36% 975x 1,160 621 80 8 0 3 1.8x 2y
9 S CL mikeneko asmr 27.87 97.92% 1,318x 1,262 546 56 3 0 5 1.7x 2y
10 S KR Hinanawi Tenshi 26.75 96.49% 567x 1,049 700 110 6 0 7 1.8x 2y
11 A BR Tomoya Kun 25.61 94.55% 918x 985 703 152 16 1 15 2.0x 2y
12 S CA EssentricWolf 24.96 96.86% 1,872x 1,128 616 120 8 0 0 1.6x 5mo
13 A CA lotex10 24.59 93.91% 499x 1,060 644 119 18 2 29 2.0x 2y
14 S MX Inky Head 24.46 95.81% 557x 1,073 663 115 8 2 11 1.7x 10mo
15 S DE ATP Fronty 24.33 95.73% 563x 1,107 612 133 11 2 7 1.7x 1y
16 S US AbstractApple 24.27 97.46% 1,298x 1,228 554 81 6 1 2 1.5x 1y
17 A DE Lotex09 24.25 94.93% 891x 1,021 670 155 16 4 6 1.8x 2y
18 S GB ATP Drag0n 24.12 95.59% 771x 1,064 660 123 14 2 9 1.7x 1y
19 S US SOWMOS 23.60 95.96% 573x 1,114 632 101 11 0 14 1.6x 1y
20 S HK AtmosTD 23.44 95.85% 1,069x 1,021 683 158 6 0 4 1.6x 7mo
21 S XX N2733 23.37 96.84% 808x 1,185 570 104 9 0 4 1.5x 2y
22 S US Junglesnipes 23.26 96.77% 963x 1,248 527 75 12 2 8 1.5x 2y
23 S XX skibidi toiIet 23.25 95.30% 781x 1,016 694 141 8 2 11 1.65x 2y
24 S KR PinguS 23.23 96.75% 946x 1,146 609 105 6 0 6 1.5x 2y
25 S US Rat Attack 22.42 96.18% 600x 1,154 584 116 9 1 8 1.5x 1y
26 A US heracat 22.09 94.49% 573x 901 766 179 16 0 10 1.65x 2y
27 A US LOVE 22.08 92.72% 1,060x 923 681 227 24 3 14 1.9x 2y
28 S US Kitkat3791 21.89 97.88% 1,872x 1,236 554 79 3 0 0 1.35x 2y
29 S US ATP Velvett 21.88 95.78% 1,298x 1,058 641 162 8 1 2 1.5x 10mo
30 S PE LawXD 21.80 95.73% 1,872x 1,104 597 147 24 0 0 1.5x 1y
31 S PH Sc6ut 21.65 95.09% 771x 969 726 159 6 2 10 1.55x 1mo
32 S CN Ringya 21.63 98.53% 1,312x 1,344 479 46 2 0 1 1.3x 2y
33 A US Flameflan 21.52 94.49% 779x 1,019 638 192 13 0 10 1.6x 2y
34 S US SavDrips 21.29 95.35% 547x 1,083 627 138 11 0 13 1.5x 9mo
35 S CA Kwentler 20.87 96.32% 1,292x 1,125 597 137 12 0 1 1.4x 2y
36 S CA ATP Kaedee 20.84 96.30% 1,872x 1,035 687 138 12 0 0 1.4x 2y
37 A NO FluffySakora 20.83 93.98% 603x 981 689 163 22 3 14 1.6x 2y
38 S US wolfNAV 20.81 96.27% 1,386x 1,032 691 139 8 0 2 1.4x 2y
39 S PH 3621R3x 20.77 96.25% 1,278x 1,043 685 128 14 0 2 1.4x 2y
40 A CA linsie 20.76 93.23% 591x 836 777 227 19 0 13 1.7x 2y
41 S CA TvT 20.46 95.33% 770x 994 697 162 14 1 4 1.45x 13d
42 A DE absolutezero0 20.43 92.25% 567x 844 761 218 26 3 20 1.8x 2y
43 A GB ATP Myths 20.18 94.51% 533x 1,031 649 160 18 2 12 1.5x 2y
44 A LV DJZ 20.06 91.97% 502x 906 721 182 28 1 34 1.8x 2y
45 S AU Azteraw 19.91 95.57% 1,266x 1,008 711 133 8 0 12 1.4x 2y
46 S IT MrLava13 19.90 96.34% 770x 1,093 639 125 12 0 3 1.35x 2y
47 S RU Jack932 19.73 97.04% 1,872x 1,133 622 108 9 0 0 1.3x 3mo
48 A US Wackyy 19.46 94.54% 787x 1,043 602 202 22 0 3 1.45x 2y
49 S FI sSolle 19.33 96.71% 655x 1,154 607 93 12 1 5 1.3x 1y
50 A US ChrizPatatoz 19.07 93.62% 420x 961 701 170 17 1 22 1.5x 2y